Facilities Management
Welcome & Introductions Lorie Boyd Facilities Specialist
Agenda The overall goal of the training is to strengthen your understanding of Facility Management (FM) Process in order to assist you with your day- to-day role of obtaining and sustaining quality CYP environments. Training Objectives: Define what FM is and the role of the Installation CYP Director in the process Give an overview of the resources that support CYP FM Provide an awareness of instructions and guidelines governing FM Outline the different types of projects that exist Discuss the POA&M tool
What is Facilities Management? Facilities Management provides the processes for ensuring that CYP buildings, outdoors areas, and learning environments are CLEAN, SAFE, and FUN. Clean Safe Fun Installation CYP Director’s Role in FM includes… Maintaining an awareness of the overall condition of CYP facilities by having a daily presence during operations. Conducting formal and informal inspections and ensuring your team is doing the same. Partnering with all available FM resources. Being an advocate for your programs. Tracking the current status of work requests and facility projects to ensure all FM needs are met.
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra.” – H.E. Luccock FM Resources: Team Approach CYP ID CNIC FFR CYP N926 Region NAVFAC Engineering Command MWR Maintenance Self Help CNIC FFR FAC & ACQ N944 Use a Team Approach in achieving successful Facility Management
FM Resource: NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC ) Management and oversight for military construction (MILCON) program through directives, policies, and guidance. Maintains facilities, delivers utilities, and operational services at installations. Develops, contracts, and constructs MILCON projects (i.e. CDC, OCONUS YC) Approves all construction, modification, and repair projects for facilities via a site approval or work permit Controls the funds for Sustainment, Repair, and Maintenance (SRM) to repair Navy properties and facilities, including CYPs –Current fiscal climate limits the NAVFAC support for CYP facility related issues, (don’t be discouraged there are other solutions) Primary Contact for all Facility Maintenance Requirements – Call First!
FM Resources: Regions Region Provides executive level support and coordination of Fleet and Family Readiness programs for the Installations within the Regions Liaison for communication of programming and facility information between Installations and CNIC Provides NAFCON and MILCON project support from inception to completion of the facility Coordinates site and facility maintenance for Installations Assists with funding sources Region is CYP advocate supporting your efforts to operate day-to-day. Reach out to them for operation resources
FM Resource: MWR Maintenance MWR Maintenance Provides support in maintaining all MWR facilities at the installation. Support varies across Navy installations and typically includes, Assistance with MWR/CYP project development and oversight Liaison between MWR and Facility Management resources, including NAVFAC, CNIC N9 Identifies and develops facility work request Provides facility repair and maintenance services Projects can include small to medium project, ranging from fixing a sink to putting in new cabinetry Support depends on the availability and level of staffing Ensure the MWR Director is Informed of CYP Priorities and Requirements – Be sure that CYP is first to come to mind when resources are available
FM Resource: CNIC N944 CNIC FFR – Facilities & Acquisitions N944 (Millington office) Management and oversight of the Non-appropriated Fund (NAF) Construction Program (NAFCON) for authorized FFR programs and facilities. Interprets governing directives, policies, and instructions as they relate to authorized uses and thresholds pertaining to NAF projects Provides the supervision and support throughout the NAFCON process, including inception, documentation, and contracting. (Note: CYP NAFCON projects are limited to CONUS Youth Centers, YSF Ball fields & Facilities) Contracts and monitors minor construction and small acquisition procurement projects for MWR and CYP,(e.g. playgrounds, security systems, window shades, etc.) Understanding this resource is important because they can provide support for contracting construction projects
FM Resource: CNIC N926B4 CNIC FFR Child and Youth Programs N926B4 Provides guidance and information related to facility and site regulations as they relate to CYP operations and policy requirements Assists CYPs and installation FM personnel with facility project development Interprets CYP and FM instructions and policies to ensure buildings, outdoor areas, and environments meet CYP operational needs Acts as the subject matter experts in the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), which provides the planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria required by DoD Completes SME reviews for facility projects that includes plans and contract solicitation documentation Assists with identifying available funding resources We are Your Advocate and Partner at the CNIC Level – We are here to support the needs of all CY Programs
Use Your Resources! Don’t worry When you feel like this!
FM Instructions and Guidelines OPNAVINST E, Child and Youth Programs Provides operational policy and requirements for all aspects of CYP - Supports FM by establishing baseline facility and environment requirements for all CY programs OPNAVINST H, Navy Facilities Projects Provides Overall policy and guidance to commands for the classification, submission approval, and reporting of all facility projects NFPA 101, Life Safety Code Establishes standards that have been adopted throughout the US and addresses construction and occupancy features necessary to minimize the fire risks
Facility Criteria Guidelines take operational requirements and provides the “How To” guidance and criteria to meet the intended use of the facility type Facility Criteria for Navy and Marine Corps Child Development Centers N of April 2015 Unified Facility Criteria for Youth Centers of January 2012 Unified Facility Criteria for Continuous Child Care Facilities (24/7 Centers) of April 2011 FM Instructions and Guidelines These Guidelines are REQUIRED to be used for all Facility Construction and Renovation Projects
Chinese Proverb The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is NOW.
Military Construction (MILCON) Appropriated Funds Projects Over $1 Million CDC Centers, SAC Centers and OCONUS Youth Center NAVFAC develops the DD1391 for project with input from CYP Requires NAVFAC Installation and Region support Congress approves via ASN submissions Five year planning process Director’s Role Advocates with MWR/NAVFAC/ Chain of Command (COC) the necessity for a new or repair of a center Provides program requirements that includes: −Number of children −Local operation information Partner with all available resources Reach out to CNIC N926B to assist with 1391 development Sample Projects: New Child Development Centers Additions to CDC New School Age Centers New OCONUS Youth Centers
Non-appropriated Fund Construction (NAFCON) Non-appropriated Funds Projects over $750K Requires MWR/CYP user to initiate the request via Pre-Internal Needs Validation (Pre-INVS) and Internal Needs Validation (INVS) Final Project Validation Assessment (PVA): Completed by NAVFAC & Endorsed by Chain of Command, including HQ PM Congress and OSD Approves via ASN submissions Three-year planning process Director’s Role Advocates with Chain of Command the necessity for a new Youth Center Provides program information that includes: −Number of Youth and Teens Served −Types of sub-programs offered −Local operation requirements Partner with all available resources Reach out to CNIC N926B to assist with Pre-INVS and INVS Sample Projects: New Youth Centers Additions to YC including gyms, basketball courts with covers
Sample Projects: Cabinet replacement Interior painting Small playgrounds. APF Repairs and Minor Construction Minor Construction - Operation Maintenance Navy (OMN) under $750K Projects under $500K Region and Base can approve and fund project Projects between $500K – 750K Require “one time authorization” by CNIC O&M Base Support N46 Development of DD1391 by NAVFAC planning or PM with Subject Manager Expert (SME) approval Includes projects funded through UFM process Repair projects in excess of 50 percent of replacement value for the facility and repair or maintenance over $2M require an economic analysis Repair projects over $7.5M require ASN (EI&E) approval and a 14 days electronic congressional notification prior to contract - Director’s Role Advocates and/or requests project to construct, modify, or repair a CYP facility Partners with CNIC N926 and NAVFAC for project development & execution
. NAF Repairs & Minor Construction Minor Construction < $750K Up to $200K – region or base can approve & fund $ K – must be “reported” to OSD & Congress −If local/region funds are used CNIC N9 can approve −If central funds are used, requires CNIC screening and MWR/NEX BOD approval Sample Projects: New playgrounds, Ball fields, Small facility addition Repair < $750K Up to $500K – region/base can approve & fund $500K to $750K −If local/region funds used, CNIC N9 can approve −If central funds requested, requires CNIC screening and MWR/NEX BOD approval Sample Projects: Blinds replaced to shades, Interior painting, Replacement/repair playgrounds Director’s Role Requests project to construct, modify, or repair a CYP facility Partners with chain of command and CNIC N926 & N944 for project development Maintain a POA&M for tracking through project completion
N944 Facilities & Acquisitions – Assigns Project Manager and contracts project Contract duration process is based on the requested requirements POA&M Example for procuring playgrounds to replace existing POA&M Example for procuring playgrounds to replace existing Request project CNIC 944 assistance by using the acquisitions guide (included in package) FAC N944 PM partners with CYP to develop SOW and acquisition plan for project Request project CNIC 944 assistance by using the acquisitions guide (included in package) FAC N944 PM partners with CYP to develop SOW and acquisition plan for project PM develops Independent Gov Estimate (IGE) budget using market research or historical data. Note: Vendor’s quotes are no longer acceptable. Only Contracting Officers(KO) seeks quotes. PM develops Independent Gov Estimate (IGE) budget using market research or historical data. Note: Vendor’s quotes are no longer acceptable. Only Contracting Officers(KO) seeks quotes. Solicitation and Award CNIC N944 PM/CYP Submits SOW, purchase request, & site approval/work permit to ACQ N944 Solicitation and Award by N944 PM/CYP Submits SOW, purchase request, & site approval/work permit to ACQ N944 Solicitation and Award by N944 Identify the work to be completed Ex: new gym flooring in YC Seek Site approval with local NAVFAC Public Works Identify the work to be completed Ex: new gym flooring in YC Seek Site approval with local NAVFAC Public Works NAF Procurement Process for Projects < 750K Obtain Site Approval or Work Permit Develop Project Budget Statement of Work & Acquisition Plan
NAVFAC – Assigns Project Manager and Contracts project Contract duration process is based on the project’s requirements NAVFAC PM works with CYP and HQ in developing requirements NAVFAC SOW development may have a fee NAVFAC PM works with CYP and HQ in developing requirements NAVFAC SOW development may have a fee Statement of work NAVFAC Acquisition PM Submits SOW to ACQ Solicitation and award via contracting NAVFAC administered projects requires payment to award contract PM Submits SOW to ACQ Solicitation and award via contracting NAVFAC administered projects requires payment to award contract Independent Gov. estimate (IGE) and TF-2 from NAVFAC to request funding Funding request: either a grant or local funds Fund provided as promise to pay Independent Gov. estimate (IGE) and TF-2 from NAVFAC to request funding Funding request: either a grant or local funds Fund provided as promise to pay Project funding request CYP submits a work request to NAVFAC PW Identify repair work for example: paint interiors and replace cabinets in CDC Submit work request to NAVFAC, some Installation refer to the request as a TF-1 document Identify repair work for example: paint interiors and replace cabinets in CDC Submit work request to NAVFAC, some Installation refer to the request as a TF-1 document APF Procurement Process for Projects < $750K POAM Example for new cabinets in a CDC
FM: POA&M Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Planning tool that can be used for all FM Projects – Not just for inspection responses Plan should be well-thought out and achievable Make sure all partners are on board with the established timeline Set realistic milestones that can be achieved Include an estimated completion date Revise the POA&M as necessary throughout the project life-cycle Example: If playground installation delayed for two months due to weather – Update POA&M For extension requests, keep CNIC informed when the completion date will exceed your estimated date