Action Plan: Fully Implementing Goal 4 Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
Implementation of the Action Plan School Readiness is the VISION Kansas MTSS is the FRAMEWORK Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
Early Childhood provides the foundation for K-12 success Family Engagement & Partnership Standards Kansas Early Learning Standards Kansas Multi-Tiered System of Supports Accreditation process Longitudinal Data System Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
KSDE Early Childhood Services Parents as Teachers (PAT) (Birth to age 3) 11,728 children IDEA Part B, Section 619 (ages 3-5) 11,218 children Kansas Preschool Program (age 4) 1,159 children Kansas State Pre-Kindergarten Program ( age 4) 7,109 children The Early Childhood Services staff within the Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services team advances the provision of high quality early childhood and family services that result in the ability of all young children to succeed. Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
KSDE promotes family engagement in their child’s learning. SOURCES: , Foundations for School Success & Success in Schools These Family activities are predictors of later school success. % Weekly or More Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
SOURCE: Protective Factors Survey Parents as Teachers Participation in KSDE Parents as Teachers (PAT) Strengthens Families Parents as Teachers (PAT) is for families with children ages prenatal – 3 years. Participation in KSDE Parents as Teachers strengthens families. SOURCE: Protective Factors Survey Parents as Teachers n = 1,566 Parents as Teachers is for families with children ages prenatal – 3 years. Rating Scale of n = 1,566
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | What are parents saying about PAT? They love it! KSDE supports PAT. Surveys are collected annually. n = 3,712 SOURCE: PAT Parent Satisfaction Survey
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | PAT helps connect families and children with developmental services. SOURCE: Developmental and Health Screening, PAT n = 4,932 Connecting early matters!
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | When students with delays or disabilities are part of the regular classroom they are more successful in learning SOURCE: SPED Pro Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
(Scores are based on individual child assessment results. ) Early childhood special education services promote individual learning for all children with disabilities Positive Socio- Emotional Skills 20.8% Improvement Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs 14.7% Improvement Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills 21.1% Improvement SOURCE: Outcomes Web System Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
Children who have a higher level of social skills are more likely to be successful in school. n = 3,079 SOURCE: KELI–4 Success in School Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | Follows basic directions Shows concern to others Participates in most classroom activities Adapts behavior for different settings Collaborates with others to carry out play
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | Uses illustrations to retell story Identifies known letters in familiar/ unfamiliar words Produces rhyming words Finds familiar words within a story Can write own name Children who have strong communication and literacy skills are more likely to be successful in school. n = 3,079 SOURCE: KELI–4 Success in School Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education |
Children who are strong in mathematical skills and problem-solving are more likely to be successful in school. n = 3,079 SOURCE: KELI–4 Success in School Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | Adds two groups of concrete objects Identifies positions as first and last Shows Flexibility in problem- solving Recognizes numbers from when out of order Shows curiosity seeking new play experiences
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | Vision: All Children Succeed
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | Goal 4 : Promote and Encourage Best Practices for Early Childhood Programs Continue to emphasize early childhood as the foundation for school success and an integral part of the KSBE’s mission and vision. Continue to support all KSDE programs to ensure meaningful family engagement and partnership in children’s learning and education. Continue to promote and advocate for a continuum of universal early childhood programs (Birth to Grade 3), implementing evidence-based practices within the Kansas MTSS Framework.
Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services | Kansas State Department of Education | Vera Stroup- Rentier Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator vstroup- Ryan Weir Data Coordinator Colleen Riley Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services Director Janet Newton Parents as Teachers Coordinator Contact Information: Gayle Stuber Early Childhood Coordinator