G. Wattelez, C. Dupouy, M. Mangeas, J. Lefèvre, Touraivane, R. Frouin, A. N’Yeurt, A. Singh, H. Jacot des Combes Suva, 16 – 19 November 2015 GIS for environmental issues in the South Pacific: focus on water color
Plan GIS for environmental issues 2 1) GIS on the Web Available data Interoperability 2) Water color in a SIG How to integrate it 3) New algorithm for chlorophyll concentration assessment in New Caledonia Chlorophyll concentration assessment Chlorophyll concentration in New Caledonia Algorithm performance and application
Digital age GIS for environmental issues 3 More and more data available on the Web A phone number Opening time An address Scientific data? ◦ Bathymetric file of the world ◦ Satellite images (NASA) Our own data during research projects?
Research results GIS for environmental issues 4 Many papers on the Web OK for scientific community What about other people? What about data? Available for all the concerned populations ◦ Easy to handle ◦ intuitive
Geographic portal GIS for environmental issues 5 Since 2009, a lot of geographic data from scientific researches are stored and used at the UNC Erosion in small watersheds Risk estimation of forest fire Evolution of water chemistry Evolution of coastlines …
How to show and use data from partners? GIS for environmental issues 6 Many formats ASCII, GeoTIFF, IMG, … Shapefile, KML, GML, MapInfo TAB, … Use standards for Interoperability Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) provides standards for sharing WMS: images WFS: features WCS: coverages (raster data)
What we plan to do GIS for environmental issues 7 IRD researchers collect and analyze satellite images (MODIS) for water color [GOPS project] Pacific areas Fiji New Caledonia Biogeochemical properties Color Dissolved Matter (Chloé Martias – next presentation) Chlorophyll-a concentration Turbidity
What we plan 2 do GIS for environmental issues 8 Integrate daily data of ocean color from MODIS in the geoportal Add another product: chl-a concentration in New Caledonia
How chl-a concentration is assessed GIS for environmental issues 9 Ocean color seen by satellite digitalized => Rrs (several wavelengths) Rrs analyzed => products Chl-a SST Turbidity
Chl-a concentration assessment in New Caledonia GIS for environmental issues 10 NASA algorithm not adapted for New Caledonian waters Created a new algorithm based on coincidences in New Caledonia Algorithm validated on the global ocean (SeaBASS database)
Advantages? ◦ Improve results of previous studies ◦ Get an algorithm fully suited on the New Caledonia area R rs measurements 412, 443, 488, 531, 555, 667 nm SVM model or another algorithm which could work fine (OC3) SVM model or another algorithm which could work fine (OC3) GIS for environmental issues 11 Wattelez et al (in press)
Image on New Caledonia GIS for environmental issues 12 July 20 th, 2008
DROPS status GIS for environmental issues 13 Collect match-ups between in situ and remote-sensing data (biogeochemical parameters) [Chloé Martias, marine session] Chlorophyll concentration CDOM Turbidity Check if algorithms for assessments (of chl-a concentration, CDOM, …) give satisfying results Improve results of algorithms Dupouy, Marine session
One image on Fiji (DROPS) GIS for environmental issues 14
GIS for environmental issues 15 Integrate daily data of ocean color on Fiji in a GIS, as temporal layers Chl-a CDOM Turbidity Model results …
Thank you very much Vinaka vakalevu GIS for environmental issues 16