Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Reservation History Tutorial
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Reservation History This function can be used to: See any reservation made for one particular guest See all CRM pieces sent out for a guest See when was sent to guest and the address used Will visibly show any errors in sending CRM pieces to guests Force an out to a guest that was set to not receive a confirmation, cancellation, or thank you note.
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Select the Reservation History icon. This is always Step 2 if you cannot find what you are looking for in Deliveries. Reservation History
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Reservation History Screen Details Will show reservation ID, address if entered, CRM pieces sent out, dates of reservation, guest name, date reserved, agent ID’s, rate codes, and room types. Search by Reservation # to see one particular reservation, or guest name, and click on search when entered
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Visibility of Rule Exclusions or Errors… Shows was excluded due to a rate code rule. Can also exclude waitlisted reservations, Market Segments, Source Codes, etc. depending on your properties rules. Reservations grayed out because address was not entered… Guest will not receive any CRM pieces due to lack of address Please Note: Once an address is added to the profile in the PMS it will prompt the Reservation Confirmation to go out…. When guest calls stating that they did not get their Reservation Confirmation, use the Reservation History to verify why they may not have gotten it. If the reservation does not show in Reservation History, reach out to your Account Manager for assistance.
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Forcing an … There was an exclusion rule that did not allow this to go out Verify the Reservation Details Select if you want to send out a confirmation, cancellation, or thank you note Enter the reason for forcing and the recipient’s address. When complete, select Next at the top.
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Forcing an Continued…
Digital Alchemy | 5750 Stratum Drive Fort Worth, Texas | Phone: Fax: | Additional Notes… Once you force an from Reservation History, it will be visible in the Deliveries function as well. If you do not see the option to force an from the Reservation History tool, log out of the portal and back in. If still not visible, check with your Account Manager to ensure you have rights to this feature. Please contact your Account Manager or with any questions, comments, or to sign up for an additional online