Psychological Disorders Sign-In What words are used to describe Psychological Disorders?
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Psychological Disorders In order to understand psychology disorders, we must go back to the definition of psychology itself: Psychology – The scientific study of behavior and cognitive processes
Psychological Disorders Behaviors and cognitive processes that cause serious personal suffering or interfere with the ability to cope with daily life Fairly common 1/3 of people have some form of a psychological disorder 23% of substance abusers experience psychological disorders
Thought Question How do we know what is normal? In common usage, deviation from the majority is seen as abnormal In Psych. – Abnormal is the exaggeration of normal behavior/cognitive processes
Typicality Degree to which it is average or typical Problem in defining normality What about geniuses/cultural differences?
Maladaptivity Impaired functioning in everyday life Causes misery and distress Harmful to self or others Criminal behavior – may or may not be disordered
Emotional Discomfort Suffering Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt Lose interest in enjoyable things Feel that life is no longer worthwhile
Socially Unacceptable Violates society’s accepted norms Culture-bound syndromes – what is normal in one culture is considered abhorrent in others
Classification DSM IV (1994) – Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Earlier versions – classifications based on presumed causes Psychoanalytic Theories Neuroses/Psychoses DSM III (1980) – began classifications based on observable signs/behaviors The DSM is always being revised
6 Categories of Disorders Anxiety Dissociative Somatoform Personality Mood Schizophrenia