Maps Peterson
1100 AD
Mercator 1500s
Sextant to determine latitude
John Harrison Late 1700s
360° / 24 hours in a day = 15° Earth rotates 15° every hour Keep chronometer on GMT (0°) Compare current sunrise / sunset to tables of sunrise/sunset at Greenwich. If sunrise at 8 AM. Sunrise at Greenwich at 6 AM Longitude = 30° W
Mollweide Equal-area
12 inches in a foot 5280 feet in a mile 63,360 inches in a mile RF 1:24,000 How many miles to an inch? 24000/63000 = in : miles RF 1:100,000 How many inches in a mile ? 100,000 / 63,360 = in: miles 100 cm in a meter 1000 meters in a KM 100,000 cm in a KM RF 1:24,000 How many KM to a cm? 24000/100,000 = in : 0.24 KM RF 1:100,000 How many KM to a cm? 100,000 / 100,00 = cm: 1 KM