1 Using Nature to Nurture MFL
2 Disclaimer Low-tech ideas. Engage student interest. I could have done that. Activity-based. Bank of New Ideas.
3 Aims The aim of this session is to give you the confidence to: leave the classroom. deviate from traditional ‘textbook’ topics.
4 Objectives Taking the indoors outdoors. Examples 1 & 2 Bringing the outdoors indoors. Examples 3 & 4
5 Example 1: A CONCRETE EXAMPLE – literally! Treasure Hunt
6 Example 2: WAXING LYRICAL Outdoor Classroom
7 TASK What MFL activities could you do outside your classroom?
8 Example 3: CROSSED-WIRES Marie Curie Pots of Care
9 Example 4: CROSS-CURRICULAR What plants need for survival
10 Workshop Project How could you incorporate the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch into your teaching?
11 Q & A Any feedback/ideas gratefully received!