Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt is an excellent game to play on-line or live when you want learners to be more self-directed.


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Presentation transcript:

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt is an excellent game to play on-line or live when you want learners to be more self-directed about their learning. Patterned after the traditional scavenger hunt game, in which players are given a list of things to obtain from various places, this game can be quite useful in encouraging learners to look for things in their web environment, in their workplace, on their campus, etc.

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt BLACKBOARD SCAVENGER HUNT

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Using Scavenger Hunt Template This game was originally designed to work as an introduction to the Blackboard course management system. If you intend to use the game for Blackboard, make sure you download the graphics images to enhance your slide. If you are designing the game for another use, you would have to find your own graphics. To use this template, go to the master game board slide #2. Adjust the game board size to the number of questions you want – use the Table function Then copy slide #3 the same number of times as the questions on the master game board. Fill in the text (or graphics) as you need on each slide. Delete this slide (#1) after you are done. Save the file.

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Blackboard Scavenger Hunt Advance to next slide to begin your Scavenger Hunt. –Click on each [Blackboard] icon for Scavenger Hunt directions. –[Go to the Word documents in Lesson 1 to help you perform the activities.] your instructor and let her know when you have completed all the activities. –A successful Scavenger Hunt is worth 3 points. Note: the above instructions within [ ] pertains only to the Blackboard game, you may substitute your own instructions and remove this note when done.

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Replace each iconwith appropriatetext or graphic forthe activity. And link each cellto the Slide withthe instruction forthe activity. Final Step Scavenger Hunt Click on the Icon

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Match the title of each slide to the game cell Put instructions for the activity on the slide so that they are linked to the game cell. Click to return to the board