Welcome ISLN Meeting November 14, 2014
Agenda Welcome and Announcements Content Leadership Network Updates/News Mid-Year Conferencing with teachers Student Voice, Jeff Coles (KDE) Program Reviews, Phil Shepherd (KDE) Evaluation Completion—Online or Paper Copy Lunch on your own Afternoon session (12:30-2:30)
Proposed Standards for Social Studies
Proposed Standards for Arts & Humanities
How is ‘building capacity’ going in your district?
Science Update November 2014
National “Hour of Code” National “Hour of Code” Week (December 8-14) Opportunity from Code.org! (Note deadline to enter a school is Nov. 14)Code.org A roster of Hour of Code ambassadors, who will welcome classrooms to their first Hour of Code during December 8-14, have been announced including Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg and Ashton Kutcher. One of your classes might be one of the lucky 100 to get a chat with them. Click on this link for details.details What should you do know? 1. Go bigger — with your entire school: One public school in every U.S. state will win $10,000 worth of technology. If your entire school isn’t already on board, use these resources to recruit the principal. The deadline to qualify is Nov. 14, so qualify now.use these resourcesso qualify now 2. Is your entire student body in? Challenge schools in your area to join. See other participants in your area here.here 3. Prep for your Hour of Code. This how-to guide will help. Remember, new tutorials are coming soon!how-to guide Here is the website:
Meeting #1 – Newport Aquarium
Meeting #2 – Thomas More River Station
Upcoming Meetings Behringer Crawford Museum (Earth’s history) NKU Planetarium (Earth and Space) Currently working on: - CVG (engineering and systems) -Duke – Envision for energy and natural resources
Agenda for Upcoming Science Meeting Leadership qualities and goal setting Assessment and assessment development Learning experience –Hands – on (for teachers on Waves and Motion) Scavenger Hunt (what does the Museum have to offer Science Classes) Learning Experience Debrief (evaluation of rubrics, Learning Experiences, and student work )
Building Capacity – check points Meet with your teacher leads and develop a plan for sharing the materials given at the Network meetings – (they must submit how they are sharing the information each month obtained during the Network meeting) Material are being utilized by all science teachers. The teachers are using the Gather, Reason and Communicate form to create their learning experiences.
Science Cadre – Campbell County Become a part of the learning, building, and collaborative Regional Science Cadre in the Northern Kentucky Area Campbell County Training Center Dates: 9/25 from 4:10-6:30 ALL other dates from 3:45-6 9/30, 10/16, 11/18, 12/16, 1/27, 2/24, 3/12 The Cadre will meet monthly to discuss lessons, assessments, and learning targets created and implemented. This is a great opportunity for science teachers K-8 to have rich discussions, share ideas and work together to understand and implement KCAS Science Standards. All Meetings will take place at the Campbell County Training Center ( AEC). Please sign up through CIITS so that we have a total number but no one will be turned away, if you determine you can join at the last minute! Search for session: CCS SCIENCE CADRE 2014 Any questions or concerns please contact Hallie Booth : or Melissa Turner at
Science Cadre – Kenton County Dates to be announced in the coming month – please look of an detailing the location, dates and times.
TPGES Mid-Year Conference Making the Most of Conversations
What should you talk about? Overall Reflection regarding TPGES Teacher shares what was learned through the implementation of the effectiveness system up to this point.
What should you talk about? PGP Goal/Plan and Professional Responsibilities (Domain 4) : How has this goal caused you to change professional practice? How has this change impacted student learning ?
What should you talk about? STUDENT GROWTH GOALS: – How are students meeting or showing progress toward growth goal and proficiency targets? – What patterns do you see in special populations of students? – How do the activities, materials, and resources in the student growth plan align to the needs of the students now that you have the new data? – What support do you need?
What should you talk about? OBSERVATIONS & POST-OBSERVATION CONFERENCES – How do you think you have shown improvement? – What areas do you still need to grow? – What professional practices and decisions in your work have had the most influence on your ability to support your students to achieve growth?
What should you talk about? Identify supports needed and next steps (Domains 1-4) What are our (teacher & principal) next steps? What supports does the teacher need? Think About: How can I support the teacher in his/her professional learning and efforts to increase student learning? What do I (principal) need to help me implement TPGES with fidelity?
SAMPLE VIDEO What defensible evidence is this teacher collecting about student learning? What evidence is the observing principal collecting about student learning?
Table Talk Mid-Year Conferencing
Student Voice Jeffrey Coles, KDE
Program Reviews Phil Shepherd, KDE
Than k you for taking time to give us feedback on your learning… We invite you to return for the afternoon session 12:30-2:30