Review the Campus Child Study System Process Review the Child Study System Process Choose either the Elementary or Secondary case study Make notes in the right column on the CSS Process of how the case study does or does not fit each of the steps
Scavenger Hunt Log in to the eCST and go through the Scavenger Hunt, questions # Questions #11-15 will be completed after the next discussion. Log In: Type aimsdev in the address bar User Name: teacher Password: teacher Agree to terms of use Click on Other Systems tab Click on ACM
Groups/Teams/Programs Administrator functions of the eCST
Please take time to complete the Evaluation Survey. – Go to the Educator Quality page on the AISD website. – Click on “2011 Administrators Institute” on the left hand side. – Click on the survey link: Your feedback is very important and will be used to guide our future work. Evaluation Survey 6