By: Purna Shova Chitrakar ICBL-CMC VAFP – Nepal Coordinator Ban Landmines Campaign Nepal (NCBL) In the context of South/South-East Asia
Status of Ban Policy in the region Name of Countries Ratificati on of MBT Ratificati on of CCM UNCRPDUNGA Brunei RatifiedNot JoinedSignedIn favor CambodiaRatifiedNot joinedSignedIn favor Timor- Leste AccededNot Joined In favor IndonesiaRatifiedSignedRatifiedIn favor LaosNot joinedRatified In favor MalaysiaRatifiedNot joinedRatifiedIn favor Myanmar Not Joined AccededAbstained PhilippinesRatifiedSignedRatifiedIn favor SingaporeNot Joined In favor ThailandRatifiedNot JoinedRatifiedIn favor VietnamNot Joined SignedAbstained
Status of Ban Policy in South Asia Name of Countries Ratification of MBT Ratification of CCM UNCRPDUNGA AfghanistanAccededRatifiedAccededIn favor BangladeshRatifiedNot joinedRatifiedIn favor BhutanAccededNot JoinedSignedIn favor IndiaNot joinedNot JoinedRatifiedAbstained MaldivesRatifiedNot joinedRatifiedIn favor NepalNot Joined RatifiedAbstained PakistanNot JoinedNot joinedRatifiedAbstained SriLankaNot joinedNot JoinedSignedIn favor
South/South - East Asia Acceded/Rati fied SignedNot JoinedIn favor/Abstai n MBT118 CCM2215 UNCRPD1252 UNGA14/5 Total casualties in South/South-East Asia: 254,312
Celebrating 20 th years ICBL The ICBL was established in 1992 by a group of six non- governmental organizations Handicap International, Human Rights Watch, medico international, Mines Advisory Group, Physicians for Human Rights and Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation Aim of ICBL is “A world free of antipersonnel landmines”
Cont…. In 1997, ICBL was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize In February 2007, the ICBL formally joined the Steering Committee of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) Since January 2011, the CMC and ICBL have merged to become ICBL-CMC ICBL-CMC is a global network of NGOs in over 90 countries
Role of ICBL-CMC as civil society in Advancing the victims/disability assistance Advocacy and lobby for the formation, endorsement and joining of the conventions on MBT, CCM and CRPD Advocacy and lobby to implement the conventions Monitor and reporting of use, transfer, production, stockpile of landmines and cluster munitions Monitor and report on surveillance and VA Strengthening national campaigns in more than 90 countries through meetings, workshops, conference, trainings etc raised the issues in national level.
Cont…. Contributing to formation of Cartagena Action Plan (CAP) and Vientiane Action Plan (VAP) through stamens, press release, interventions, advocacy and lobby meetings and through various activities Strengthening victims for their rights and proper rehabilitation through Survivor’s network, Ban Advocates etc. Advocate and support governments to make sure the treaty/ies is/are implemented to bring positive changes in the lives of victims and persons with disabilities
Cont…. Advocate for rights of persons with disabilities (victims) including inclusion, accessibility, effective participation of victims/PWD Advocacy for mainstreaming VA with person with disability program ICBL-CMC VA focal points (in six countries in this region)
Cont… Being part of national authority, coordination center and, national policy and national action plan Advocate and lobby the donor/countries to assess the needs of victims/PWD and support
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