Jetopilous Sabrina Swogger
Location? Jetopilous is located in California. (It was California but it broke off and now is called Jetopilous) Its capital is named Jetton which is located at 34 N, 29 W Its located near the Tropic of Cancer.
Physical Geography? Jetopilous is an island. (California separated from the USA.) The regions are Costal and Central Valley. It has oceans views and many mountains. Our flag is red, black, and green with a jet on it. (:
Climate & vegetation? The climate stays around the mid 60 degrees. Its always sunny and everyday is a Jet day. (: A lot of things can grow here, like flowers, potatoes, ect…. We have very unique fruits and vegatables We also have unique animals.
Natural Resources? Some natural resources are: –Water –The Mari flower –Fish –Oil –Energy –Natural Gas –Ect….
Population? My country has a some-what big population. The population is growing in a steady pace. Most people live off the coast because of all the beautiful beaches and some people live towards the middle because of the city.
Culture? Our culture is very different. Some people go pick Mari flowers before work and after work. 50% Christianity 25% Catholic 25% Atheist You eat what you grow or what your city grows, which you buy at local markets. We also eat regular food like in the usa, we have McDonalds, Burger King, so on..
Social Structure? There are social classes. –First class: they are the wealthy –Middle class: they are the ones that aren't so wealthy Every body works hard for their money, there is no government giving the people money. What people have it what they earned. Family is very important, in my country. Everybody needs a family to be there for them. Nuclear families are more prevalent. There is a husband, who works, a mom, who stays home, and 3 kids, who go to school.
Economics I have a socialism economic system. Our money is the Jet dollar. ( it is worth more than the US dollar bill) –Everybody uses the Jet dollar. –You earn it from working.
Politics? We have a direct democracy. It is governed by one big central government. I (leader) make most decisions –Everybody 16 and older can vote for the leader, but the only way the leader gets out of office is when him/her is voted out. Which means the leader can stay the leader for years.
Country Map? Show map.
Five themes? July in my country is very warm compared to July in Barrow, Alaska which is very cold. The average amount of precipitation is 10mm The temperature is 20 C = 60 F The average amount of rainfall is 20ML You can dress in skirts, or shorts with tank tops or regular t-shirts. You can wear sandals or sneakers and you may wear a sweater at times.
Bibliography? &gs_id=1v&xhr=t&q=california's+longitude+and+latitud e&pf=p&sclient=psy- ab&oq=californias+long&aq=0s&aqi=g-s3g- bs1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=297cffb4fb1be379&biw=1280 &bih=603&bs=1