Fundamentals of Communication Chapter 10- Topic Selection and Audience Analysis
Choosing a Topic Personal Inventory Volunteers? Describe a topic and how you came up with that topic from the inventory. Brainstorming Let’s brainstorm some topics.
Narrowing a topic What topics interests you & audience? What topics do you know about & your audience want to know? What topics are you committed to (passion and conviction)? What topics can you find research on? Lets narrow our list (time, subject matter, audience)
Visual Brainstorming
Topics Your planned topic for Your Speeches is due next time!!!
Audience Analysis Voluntary vs. Captive Demographics Interest and Knowledge Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs
Methods of Aud. Analysis Observation Inferences Questionnaires Micro targeting- Audience Analysis SheetAudience Analysis Sheet
Adapting to an Audience Behavior Verbal/Nonverbal Topic Purpose Lets look at some audience analysis