HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Chapter 12 WORLD WAR I Section 1: World War I Breaks Out Section 2: The United States Goes to War Section 3: The War at Home Section 4: The War’s End and Aftermath
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 2 Objectives: How did the U.S. government prepare the nation for war? How did the U.S. government prepare the nation for war? How did organized labor and volunteers contribute to the war effort? How did organized labor and volunteers contribute to the war effort? Why did African Americans move north? Why did African Americans move north? How did the government create support for, and limit opposition to, the war? How did the government create support for, and limit opposition to, the war? Section 3: The War at Home
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 3 U.S. preparation for war The government established programs to finance the war. The government established programs to finance the war. Programs established to conserve scare resources. Programs established to conserve scare resources. Industry and labor redirected toward wartime production. Industry and labor redirected toward wartime production. Wilson launched a propaganda campaign. Wilson launched a propaganda campaign. Section 3: The War at Home
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 4 Organized labor filled posts to replace soldiers filled posts to replace soldiers went on strike to demand higher wages and benefits went on strike to demand higher wages and benefits improved working conditions during the war improved working conditions during the war Section 3: The War at Home
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 5 Volunteers conserved energy and recycled essential materials conserved energy and recycled essential materials grew vegetables in victory gardens grew vegetables in victory gardens purchased liberty bonds purchased liberty bonds founded support organizations founded support organizations Section 3: The War at Home
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 6 Reasons for African Americans to move north job opportunities job opportunities prospect of higher wages prospect of higher wages recruitment efforts recruitment efforts better living conditions better living conditions Section 3: The War at Home
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 7 Government management of support Committee on Public Information issued propaganda. Committee on Public Information issued propaganda. Dissent on war issues was suppressed. Dissent on war issues was suppressed. Section 3: The War at Home