Developing a Model for Next-Generation Technology Rich Learning Spaces Electronic Books at the NCSU Libraries: Shaping the Future Employing Emerging Technologies: Mobile Library Initiatives at NC State Cloud Computing & Virtualization Kuali OLE: Community sourced software for libraries NCSU Libraries Fellows Program
Developing a Model for Next- Generation Technology Rich Learning Spaces
Transforming Learning Spaces
The Technology Sandbox
Learning Space Toolkit project Partners: IMLS, Libraries, DELTA, brightspotstrategy, DEGW Extend our leadership beyond practice Engage experts, community
Broadening our perspective Campuswide view of informal learning spaces Evolution of spaces
Electronic Books at the NCSU Libraries: Shaping the Future
Building Collections - Priorities Wherever, Whenever, However Strategic and Planned Growth Integrated Collection Print and online presented side by side
Ebooks at the NCSU Libraries
Ebook Usage
TRLN Context: Snapshot of TRLN Collections
TRLN Context, cont.
Shaping the Future: TRLN Beyond Print be prepared for commercial drivers of Amazon, Google, and Apple; enhance demand-responsive approaches; re-position resource sharing in hybrid/ e-book environment; holistic e-book strategy for TRLN; proposing new models for collaborative management of and access to e-books. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded pilot project to develop new business models and licensing terms for the cooperative acquisition of e-books
Employing Emerging Technologies: Mobile Library Initiatives at NC State
NCSU Libraries Mobile (2010) 1. Locations & Hours 2. Computer Availability 3. Search Catalog Summon 4. Ask Us 5. Room Reservations 6. GroupFinder 7. News & Events 8. Webcams 9. WolfWalk 10. Reserves
WolfWalk (2010) “A Photographic History of NC State” Browse photos by place, decade or theme 3 flavors Mobile Web App iPhone/iPod Touch iPad
Albums from UA Campus Views and Facilities Sub-Group, NCSU Special Collections Research Center
Jason Casden, lead developer for WolfWalk, at the NCSU Memorial Tower
Future Directions for Mobile Libraries
Self Guided Instruction
On Demand Support
Near Field Communications
Employing Emerging Technologies: Cloud Computing & Virtualization
Kuali Open Library Environment: Community sourced software for libraries ole Open Library Environment
Momentum for change Inadequacy of commercial software to manage complex electronic collections Many libraries and the Mellon Foundation interested in solving the problem Mellon commissioned a feasibility study, Funded build project, : $2.5 million from Mellon, $2.5 million from partners
Kuali OLE Community
Why Kuali OLE at NCSU? Offers a strategic infrastructure for the future, integrations with campus systems We must be more efficient with business functions We have critical experience to offer that no other partners have
Kuali OLE Roadmap November: release 0.3 Cloud deployment for testing Selection and Acquisition functionality March release Deliver, Manage User Relationship and Describe Year 3 support for development April 2012 – March 2013 Ongoing focus on ERM Collaboration with JISC on Global Open KnowledgeBase
Openness and higher education Increasingly IT-intensive research, teaching Community source aligns with our values Strong momentum from private and public funding agencies Breadth of solutions across research, teaching, business