Israel… Or Palestine? Identify the source of conflict that still exists between Israel and Palestine Evaluate who has rights to the region
1000 BC 400’s AD 1300’s AD Hebrews/Jews Muslims Christians and Jews Lands Changing Hands Israel now Palestine Israel Israel
How Did It All Start? Forced out of Israel by Romans, Jews immigrate; many throughout Europe Theodor Herzl- Writer and Political activist. Began the Zionist movement around 1900 Zionism: The idea of Jews regaining control of Israel, their homeland
Zionism Speeds Up During World War 2 Jews faced exile and murder. Many Jews flee back to Israel (Palestine) Israel was called Palestine because it was inhabited by Arab Muslims Big Problem: 2 conflicting faiths in one place 2 Jewish Claims: -Biblically the land belongs to Jews -Ours first 2 Muslim claims: -We’ve lived here for hundreds of years -We now have holy sites in Israel
After WW2 United Nations partitions Palestine The Jews and Muslims must share Israel Israel is only 8,000 sq miles (TN is over 42,000 sq miles) More Jews continue to immigrate back to Israel Jews regain control of more land Whose Land Is It Anyway?
Gaza Strip & West Bank
Who’s Winning? Israel is supported by the USA; they have more advanced weaponry and other help Why Does the USA support Israel? Islamic nations have historically been enemies of the US Especially after the Holocaust, the US feels Jews deserve their homeland back USA is still known as a ‘Christian’ nation; the Bible does grant the land to the Jews
Israel Today Israel is the recognized country name Israeli Barriers Fences and concrete walls separate Jews and Muslims Checkpoints block entries to Gaza Strip and West Bank Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, is divided among 3 religions Israel is surrounded by Muslim nations on all sides