Design Workshop Objectives a)Determine constraints and opportunities for development to identify developable lands; b)Develop two preferred community form models; c)Revisit and refine the design principles under the Fall River Vision and Action Plan.
Constraints and Opportunities
Primary Conservation Areas Significant forested areas Steep slopes (20%) Riparian zones Wetlands Unstable Soils Halifax Slate Others _______
Secondary Conservation Areas/Cultural Assets Walking Trails Bicycle routes Legacy trees Country lanes Farm fields Historic routes (trails and waterways) Significant Landmarks Highway Design Terminating Vistas Open fields Scenic Views Archaeological Sites Others _______
Defining Development Models
Village Shape and Form How do you define Rural Village? Where are the greenbelts? Where is the Village Core? What is the ideal size? Where are the secondary development areas?
Revisiting Design Principles
Fall River Vision and Action Plan Design Principles 1.Buildings close to the street 2.Parking at rear or side 3.Landscaped front yards 4.Compatible building styles & materials 5.Controlled signage 6.Coordinated Streetscape 7.Secure views to Lake Thomas 8.Riverfront park & village green 9.Transit Station 10.Variety of housing types