+ Facilities and Security Updates December 2015
+ Security Security systems for ES and MS/HS We have had walkthroughs and quotes from 3 potential vendors. We will use Smart Schools Bonds Act money to fund this. This requires an architectural design and state ed. approval. Cameras New cameras have been installed on both campuses (and more will be installed). Access to security camera feeds will be provided in the event of an emergency to the Albany County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with a NYS sponsored program called Mutalink.
+ Security Intruder hardware Allows doors to be locked from the inside in case of a lockdown Will be installed for all entry doors in classrooms and offices We will use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for this Main entrances security improvements (all schools) Locking inner entry doors Improve cameras’ views by placing the cameras in the areas between the two sets of entry doors This requires architectural design and state ed. approval We will use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for this
+ Security Drill Active Shooter Drill at the MS/HS We will conduct an active shooter drill at the MS/HS in conjunction with the Albany County Sheriff’s Department. This drill will be funded by a U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security Grant in cooperation with a private company that conducts these drills throughout the country. The company will assist and advise us on this drill. A table top exercise is scheduled for December 16, The live drill will be scheduled for Spring 2016 (when students are not in attendance).
+ The ES Bridge Project Voters approved a Capital Project for a maximum of $203,000 in the Spring of 2015 The first round of bids came back too high ($55,000 to $60,000 over the maximum amount of the project) The Board decided to authorize a re-bid based on revised specs The timeline was changed for the work to be done in the summer to reduce cost and disruption Bride design revised (aesthetics only) Windows in bus garage simplified
+ ES Bridge Finance Bids were opened in November The low bid was $21,250 less than the previous low bid The Board of Education will vote on the award of the contract to construct the bridge at the December 14 meeting The work will be done over the summer Board will consider these financing options – 1. take the additional funds needed to complete the bridge project out of reserves (not reimbursable from state aid) or 2. ask voters to approve a larger amount for the capital project (to make the entire amount aidable)
+ Pool Filtration System The pool filtration system is failing Voters in November 2015 approved the use of up to $75,000 in Capital Reserves to fund this project This project is aidable – VCSD building aid ratio is 61% making net project cost to the district approximately $29,000 The project will be submitted to state ed. soon and will need to be bid out The work will be scheduled to be completed so as to minimize the disruption to the swim teams
+ Facilities Projects Completed Jim Franchini has created the “Blackbird Pride List” of outstanding facilities issues to be addressed. A few of the 37 projects completed since September include: MS/HS ovens have been refurbished Tree removed at the ES Gazebo added for soccer (scorer’s table and electronics) Bottle fill stations at the MS/HS Multiple roof leaks repaired Goal posts painted at HS football field Safety hazards repaired (PA speaker fixed, hardware for doors replaced, edge of steps painted, etc.)
+ Projects in Progress A few of the projects in progress: Carbon monoxide detectors Replacing one of the hot water heaters at the ES Film for the windows in the MS gym Steel doors (4) at the MS/HS Electronic sign at the ES Baseball field at the MS/HS (grant funded) Bottle fills at the ES Press box Copiers in all buildings will be refurbished during the holiday vacation
+ Annual Safety Survey Items Completed: Radiator in gym removed at ES Computer wires fixed at HS Bug/ant issue addressed at HS Fence by the creek installed at ES
+ Annual Safety Survey Items In Progress Leak and mold issue at the MS (consulting with BOCES safety risk) Traffic flow We will ask for outside advice to review our traffic patterns on both campuses to see if there are ways to improve safety and traffic flow Parking on the field/road at ES Discussed ticketing parked cars on Rt. 85A with the Albany County Sherriff’s Department New signage will be added on school property for the spring We are going to formally remind outside groups who use our facilities of their responsibility to conduct their activities in a way that promotes safety and preserves our facilities Noisy PAC AC unit We are involving the architects and BOCES safety risk to determine the solution to this