Seminar for Bologna and Higher Education Reform Experts Recognition in Higher Education – How to make it work! 7-9 June 2010 – Tallinn, Estonia
HEREs – EACEA roundtable Introduction by Mr. Jacques Kemp Comments by representatives of Commission DGs Training organized by Jordan HEREs to share experience with Higher Education stakeholders in order to promote HE reforms HEREs counseling activities to support the ministry of Higher Education in Georgia in the HE reform process Communication and dissemination activities in Armenia to promote Higher Education modernization
Presentations and information Recognition: Principles and Tools ◦ Lisbon convention Post 2010 ◦ ECTS as a Tool for Recognition ◦ What are Learning Outcomes and What are they not? ◦ Diploma Supplement Virtual Community Information Session on the Virtual Community for Bologna and Tempus Higher Education Reform Experts
Keynotes Keynote 1: Keynote 1: “Recognition: General Overview and Latest Developments” Keynote 2: Keynote 2: “The ESN PRIME Project – The Students’ Perspective” Keynote 3: Keynote 3: “Recognition in Higher Education in Lebanon” Keynote 4: Keynote 4: “Recognition and Recruitment: The viewpoint of Industry/Enterprise” ECTS/DS Label Report on the ECTS/DS Label Applications
Workshops Workshop 1: Workshop 1: Lisbon Convention and Global Recognition Workshop 2: Workshop 2: Access from Bachelor to Master (Vertical Mobility) Workshop 3: Workshop 3: Applying for the ECTS/DS Label Workshop 4: Workshop 4: Linking ECTS & Learning Outcomes
Introduction by Mr. Jacques Kemp Presentations