Theory SUSY Project HEPHY Scientific Advisory Board Meeting 21 st October 2010 Helmut Eberl
Theory SUSY Project 2Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Mission statement The SUSY project group mainly calculates processes within the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Our project concentrates on theoretical calculations to production and decays of MSSM SUSY particles and Higgs bosons at the LHC and a future ILC.
Theory SUSY Project 3Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 List of Members 2010 H. Eberl – Project leader E. Ginina - Postdoc (1 Sep 08 – 31 August 10, HEPTOOLS ER) S. Frank – PhD student (1 March 09 – 28 Feb 11) H. Hlucha - PhD student (1 Oct 07 – 31 May 09, HEPTOOLS ESR, - 30 Nov April 11 ? ) W. Frisch - PhD student (1 Nov 07 – 30 June 11) W. Majerotto - Emeritus (retired Dec 07, but still active) Call for a new position in the SUSY project group was in preparation, but now – “The cards are re-shuffled, because of a severe reduction of the personnel budget” - Chris Fabjan
Theory SUSY Project 4Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Main Topics of the SUSY project group a possible source Loop calculations* Renormalization Precision observables CP violation in SUSY Lepton and quark flavor violationradiativecorrections “Loop Calculations in the MSSM” – talk by H. Eberl, proceedings Corfu 09, Fortschritte der Physik, Volume 58, Issue 7-9, July 2010 *
Theory SUSY Project 5Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Loop calculations Building of numerical packages of SUSY partner and Higgs boson decay programs within the SPA convention with LHA input and output Full one-loop branching ratios of Charginos, neutralinos : Bernhard Schrausser finished his PhD Thesis in June 10, “Decays of Charginos and Neutralinos in the MSSM” – to be translated to DRbar scheme Higgs bosons – W. Frisch, package HFOLD (Higgs Full One-Loop Decays) finished, on the web: Sfermions – H. Hlucha, package SFOLD to be finished HFOLD and SFOLD were presented at Loops and Legs 2010 in Wörlitz/Germany by H. E. – online proceedings already available HFOLD was presented at Tools 10 in Southampton/England and SUSY 10 in Bonn/Germany by W. Frisch
Theory SUSY Project 6Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 CP violation Charged Higgs production and further decays at LHC, comparison CTHDM with MSSM (A. Arhrib, E. Christova, H. E., E. Ginina) meeting in Vienna in September 10 FeynArts model file for the Complex Two Higgs Doublet model written for most general case FormCalc fortran drivers written CPV rate asymmetries automatically calculated for and subsequent decays and Publication soon Implementation of CTHM in next upgrade release of FeynArts/FormCalc Stop decays to chargino and bottom - work with S. Frank, W. Majerotto, arXiv: , to be published in EPJC
Theory SUSY Project 7Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Flavor violation Quark flavor violation at LHC – international collaboration – A.Bartl, H. E., B. Herrmann, K. Hidaka, W. Majerotto, and W. Porod Squark prod. + decays at LHC finished, arXiv: – sent to JHEP Gluino three-body decays – new project – group meeting in Vienna in August 10, E. Ginina joined this group (B – branching ratio) Scenario 1: arXiv: : Impact of squark generation mixing on the search for squarks decaying into fermions at LHC The flavour-violating terms are incorporated in the 6x6 mass matrix, e.g.
Theory SUSY Project Charm-top associated production – interesting signature Loop corrections for dominant flavour-conserving channels enhance cross-section by ~ 30% [Beenakker, Höpker, Spira, Zerwas (1997)] Expect ~ O(10 4 ) events for “jet + top + E T miss ” production at 100 fb -1 integrated luminosity 21st October 2010Helmut Eberl8
Theory SUSY Project 9Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Gravitino dark matter Two- and three-body decays – project with V. Spanos, Demokritos, Athens FeynArts model file (78 add. couplings) written Lorentz structure file for spin 3/2 particle developed In FormCalc spin 3/2 particle included for automatic fortran code generation Fortran program gravwidth.F finished, all two body decay widths checked with analytic formulas, three-body decay widths for also included and compared with known analytic results. Next steps: Inclusion of LHA in/output format Physics discussion - publication Extension to and Inclusion into next version of FeynArts/FormCalc
Theory SUSY Project 10Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Two-body decays:Three-body decays to neutralinos:
Theory SUSY Project 11Helmut Eberl21st October rd HEPTOOLS Annual Meeting th November – 1 st December 2009 in Vienna ~ 60 participants, talks given by W. Frisch and E. Ginina on 29 th Nov. node coordinator meeting Public talk by M. Mangano (CERN) : “The quest for the fundamental laws of nature" Organized by the SUSY project group and B. De Monte:
Theory SUSY Project 12Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Thank you for your attention!
Theory SUSY Project 13Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 What is Supersymmetry? At the quantum level the most general symmetry of the laws of nature is called SUPERSYMMETRY – or briefly named SUSY. It is a symmetry between matter particles (fermions) and force particles (bosons) and it offers the possibility of imbedding our today´s knowledge about the basic structure of matter (the so-called Standard Model) into a larger, more general theory. In the supersymmetric theory fermions and bosons appear pairwise. If nature is really supersymmetric there must exist a supersymmetric partner to every presently known elementary particle. The search for these new supersymmetric particles is one of the main tasks of the large experiments at the Tevatron in the USA, at the LHC at CERN and at a future International Linear Collider.
Theory SUSY Project 14Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Supersymmetry Supersymmetry (SUSY) at the TeV range is the most appealing extension of the Standard Model (SM). It solves the Hierarchy problem, is able to unify the electromagnetic, the weak and the strong force at a high scale, and it can be shown that it is the only one nontrivial extension of the SM group structure. The LSP is a very good candidate for DM. But the price is high, the known particle spectrum will be more than doubled. LHC is designed to find SUSY particles, if SUSY is realized in nature. A possible ILC will be able to trace back then to the underlying model by doing precision experiments. Our group concentrates on the phenomenological aspects of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the SM (MSSM).
Theory SUSY Project 15Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 W. Majerotto: retired already, but is still active in physics! was convenor of the SUSY group in the ECFA-DESY LC WS then member of the scientific committee, member of the editor board in the SPA project, is scientific representative of Austria in the CERN council H. Eberl: local coordinator of the node “Vienna” of the EU project HEPTOOLS
Theory SUSY Project 16Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 CP violation The SM cannot deliver sufficient charge parity violation (CPV) in order to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The MSSM with complex parameters can give large CPV. But there are severe constraints, e.g. from the measurements of electric and magn. dipole moments (EDM, MDM). We study two ways: Production/decay rate asymmetries: one-loop induced CPV –– simple counting experiment, but asymmetries loop suppressed - LHC Example: charged Higgs to t b Triple product technique: tree-level effect – large asymmetries, but event construction necessary - ILC Example: chargino production and add. decays at ILC, calculation of CP sensitive observables
Theory SUSY Project 17Helmut Eberl21st October 2010 Flavor violation The MSSM has many subclasses, e.g.: the CMSSM which has only 4 SUSY parameters and one sign, the general ‘real’ MSSM with 24 SUSY parameters, the most general model with 124 SUSY parameters. In the last model the sfermion mass matrices can be possible sources of FV. Our group studied e.g. quark FV (QFV) with the sup mass matrix as the source. Example: P P -> sup1 sup1bar -> u cbar neu1 neu1 Now quark FV (QFV) is studied, gluino prod. at LHC + decays – published squark prod. at LHC + decays –