Parents’ Travel Mode Choice for Their Children’s Leisure Trips -The Role of Trust Maria Johansson Environmental Psychology Unit Lund Institute of Technology Box 118 SE Lund, Sweden
Research Question To what extent is parents’ motives of travel mode choice to their children’s leisure activities due to environmental factors and how much is it related to parental factors?
A Model of Human-Environment Interaction Küller, 1991, 2004 The Theoretical Departure
BASIC EMOTIONAL PROCESS PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT INDIVIDUAL RESOURCES ACTIVITIES TRAVEL MODE CHOICE Env trust Interpersonal trust Need of protection Attitude towards travel mode Demographics & resources Child’s leisure trips RECURRENT VARIATION Traffic environment Walk & cycle paths Maintenance Sense of community CHILD´S Age, gender & maturity
Participants Parents of 357 children aged 8-11 years m=9:6 years, 177 girls and 180 boys 86% of the households owned at least one car
Procedure Parental questionnaire One-week travel diary for children’s trips Expert assessments of the physical environment in 14 neighbourhoods
Collected Data
Lund, Gunnesbo
Lund, Klostergården
Lund, Landskapsgatorna
Malmö, Söderkulla
Malmö, Eriksfält
Malmö, Fågelbacken
Dimensions of Trust 1.Trust in strangers M=1.86, SD=.73, Cronbach’s alpha=.85 2.Trust in road users M=1.74, SD=.64, Cronbach’s alpha=.76 3.Environmental trust M=1.90, SD=.66 Cronbach’s alpha=.63
Parents’ Attitudes Towards Travel Modes
Children’s Travel to Leisure activities 83% of the children had made trips to organised leisure activities (M=4 trips per week). 50% of the destinations were located within or close to the neighbourhood. 92% of the destinations were located within the city. 71% of the trips, the parent had decided upon the travel mode.
Attitude towards travel modes for children’s trips Travel mode choice for children’s leisure activities
Explaining travel mode choice by environmental and parental factors Explaining Travel Mode Choice to Leisure Activities with Environmental and Parental Factors
BASIC EMOTIONAL PROCESS PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT INDIVIDUAL RESOURCES ACTIVITIES - Attitude towards indepedent travel + Access to cars Child’s leisure trips MOTORISED TRANSPORTS - Quality of traffic environment
BASIC EMOTIONAL PROCESS PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT INDIVIDUAL RESOURCES ACTIVITIES + Attitude towards indepedent travel -Trust in road users -Access to cars Child’s leisure trips INDEPENDENT TRAVEL + Quality of traffic environment
A Positive Attitude Towards Independent Travel + Environmental trust + Child’s age + Trust in road users - Parent’s need of protection
Children have very little influence on the choice of travel mode for their leisure trips. Parents express a favourable attitude towards motorised transports and children frequently travel by car to their leisure activities. Continue the efforts to improve the traffic environment. Target the parents’ attitude towards independent travel. Conclusions