article: The fruit of date palm “its possible use as the best food for the future“ Authors: Walid Al shahid & RICHARD J. MARSHALL SOURCE: GOOGLE SCHOOLER
Research Type & question Type of article: empirical “quantitative and qualitative” Research question is: why the date is considered a rich dietary value?
fat Background vitamins minerals Date carbohydrate protein fiber Previous researches were conducted to analyze nutrition values of dates This paper brings together these results and evaluate its benefit. Dates Contain several nutrition components (Carbohydrate, protein, vitamins , minerals, fat, fiber , saturated and unsaturated acid) fat vitamins minerals Source: Google image
Stages of The date’s growth Ripening stage Khalal stage Kimri stage Source: google images
Research Method Considered 20 out of 2000 varieties of date. Analyzed data in each stages in date life. Compered between the component of 20 varieties at different stages. Contrasted the component of date with the component of some fruits.
The result: General Facts Some values increase with the date’s growth Other values decrease with the growth of date Certain values level depends on others
Results: Carbohydrates
Results: Protein Protein % 6 1 0.7 0.3 Apple Orange Banana Date
Results: Minerals Date
Results: vitamins B1 B2 A Folic Acid C
Results: Fibers Date Pectin as fiber availability Guava Strawberry mango Date
How the date components effect human health: Protecting teeth against decay To help prevent cancer Minerals include many item such as: Positive effect Source: google images
Suggestions The article should emphasis that the content of sugar will not be stored in the body rather it is used as a daily energy supply
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