Policy Manual Updated effective 7/01/06
Why was the policy updated Concerns expressed by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Confusion created when using two documents (policy manual and case practice guide) Questions that arose regarding policy
What were RSA’s Concerns Policy needed more information regarding the nature and scope of services Policy needed more information regarding informed choice Policy needed clarification to ensure that reader services was not subject to financial need
Format of the new Policy Manual »Part 1 General Provisions »Part 2 Process »Part 3 Services »Part 4 Definitions
What changes were made? Overall – references to the related federal regulations and state rules were added Purpose section was added Authority section was updated to include the 1/22/01 changes to 34CFR 361 and to add the NH Revised Statutes Annotated (RSAs) to the authorities
What changes were made? ( Continued) Language was added in the confidentiality section for clarity Language was added in the informed choice section to respond to RSA’s concerns Added language regarding fees and expenditures Some language was added to the appeals and order of selection sections to provide additional information on these topics
What changes were made? ( Continued) Part 2 was added as a section in the attempt to move to one document versus some information in policy and other information in the case practice manual The individual sections in this part were added or updated to provide information and clarity
What changes were made? ( Continued) In part 3 language regarding default on student loan was added Choice in VR services was added and refers to earlier policy (part 1.3 on choice) in response to RSA’s concerns Information was added on the nature and scope of services to provide additional information and clarity and to respond to RSA’s concerns
What changes were made? ( Continued) Part 4 – Definitions- were added as a reference for users of this manual
What’s next with Policy? We are working on a guidance supplement to be included in the policy manual to give additional information and direction
Have any comments or questions? Please feel free to contact Ella at Or at Thank You