Presented by: Rob Hackenson
New Technology & Channels
Social Media & Technology Pros Stay Connected with people Helps Marketers Makes things easier Promotion Share interesting information Entertains for hours Stay Connected with people Makes things easier Entertains for hours
Power & Responsibility
Social Media & New Tech Cons Cyber Bullying / Hazing / Hate Crimes Threats Sexting Legal Issues Predators / Stalkers Hacking Job Search Repercussions Social Inadequacies
Voices from the Dark Side…
Victim or Target? What’s the difference?
Easy Hacking
Who Are You Meeting?
Your Perceived Hunk
Real Lover Boy
How Can They Find You?
What Could Happen…?
Cyber Bullying/Hazing Text Msg Facebook Fan Pages Blogs Twitter Youtube
It’s Permanent
Possible Consequences…
Why Sext? Acceptance? Pressure? LOVE?
Why Sext?
Acceptance? Pressure? LOVE?
Why Sext?
What Happens?
Possible Consequences…
Perception Dictates Reality
YouTube Videos
Who’s Watching?
Summed Up Consequences Humiliation Harassment Arrests Assault Death Registered Sex Offender Depression Suicide
What Students Need to Learn! Before you post or send anything expect that the WHOLE WORLD will see it Including people you care about and people that want to hurt you, both physically & emotionally Think about consequences Misuse - don’t encourage it & even report it, you don’t know whose life you’ll save
So What Can You Do?
What Can You Do? How NOT to be a victim Heightened awareness LISTEN 120 vs Talk with other staff | Compare & Advice Address the issues before they start Make it a real threat, true stories are great Reinforcement
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