MADAGASCAR Key idea 1Follow-up actions Ensure link between education and economy/labor market: - sustained dialogue and involvement of key stakeholders in the design and implementation of post-primary education : Singapore ITE (vocational training statutory board), Vietnam Steering Committee - qualified human resources for competitive economy -set up linkage with the economic development board in preparation at the highest level (6 months-permanent) - prepare the setting up of the already planned National Training Authority (6 months) -set up a quality assurance process and control in tertiary education (6 months-2 years)
Key idea 2Follow-up actions Scenarios for textbook development (affordable quality textbooks) : Singapore and Vietnam - Assess the feasibility/adequacy of each scenario (and possible others) (1 year) - Build required capacity to ensure low cost quality textbooks (2 years)
Key idea 3Follow-up actions Focus on teachers: nation-wide consultation in the definition of profiles, strong link between evaluation and pre- and in-service training, professional development -launch the curriculum review process (shift from 5 to 7 year primary education) (2 years) - review the on-going process on the development of pre- and in-service teacher training system in the light of the lessons learnt.(1 year)
Key idea 4Follow-up actions Phasing of education development with economic development: sequencing, flexibility, consistency between policy/implementation/fi nancing/prioritisation - Develop a master-plan for the whole education system and conduct the policy dialogue and consultation. (2 years) - Review options of skills development (1 year)
Key idea 5Follow-up actions Specific action for disadvantaged areas : distance education in China, FSQL in Vietnam and earmarked funds for them. -Implement feasibility study on distance learning for teachers in- service training and vocational training in remote areas. (1 year) - Refine existing process on competitive school grants (8 months)
Needed support Capacity building: further documents and explanations, advice, workshops.