QEP Update Primary Outcomes improvement of students’ critical thinking skills 1. Measurable improvement of students’ critical thinking skills at the course, program, and curricular levels 2. Enhanced instructional practices 2. Enhanced instructional practices that promote critical thinking and life-long learning 3. Improved strategies for assessing 3. Improved strategies for assessing student learning outcomes 4. More effective professional development opportunities for faculty and support staff
Percentage of ENG 111 Common Final Exams at Competent & Advanced Levels of CT: 2006: 24% 2007: 27% 2008: 35% 50% 2009: 50% “Improvement of students’ critical thinking skills...”
Percentage of artifacts from sampled General Education Core courses at Competent & Advanced Levels of CT: “Improvement of students’ critical thinking skills...” 41% For 2009, 41% (80 out of 197) of student artifacts were assessed as being at the “Competent” level or higher. This is up from 37% in The overall CT average for all assessed artifacts from 16 Gen Ed sections was 2.31 (Developing/Competent), up from 2.23 in 2008.
“Enhanced instructional practices that promote critical thinking and life-long learning.” 95 courses CT learning outcomes, best practices, and assessment strategies have been documented for 95 courses in Arts & Sciences and Technical/Vocational divisions
“Improved strategies for assessing student learning outcomes.” campus forum surveys Assessing student perceptions of critical thinking emphasis via course evaluations (including DL courses) and surveys, including campus forum surveys
challenge any of your preconceptions Did this forum challenge any of your preconceptions about this topic? 69% Yes help to clarify the central issues Did this forum help to clarify the central issues and ideas on this topic? 87% Yes improve your ability to think critically Did this forum improve your ability to think critically about this topic? 89% Yes Would you like to see more of these forums? 97% Yes Survey Results from Spring Forum “Being Human?” (108 respondents, courtesy of R. Sutton)
“More effective professional development opportunities for faculty and support staff.” full-time faculty have completed a CT course (approximately 60%)
QEP Update Fall 2010/ Spring 2011 Priorities 1. Continue implementing professional development activities for faculty: Revised SPOC 201 for Tech/Voc faculty Revised SPOC 201 for Tech/Voc faculty Spring In-Service: Best Practices Spring In-Service: Best Practices Adjunct & New Instructor Support Adjunct & New Instructor Support Virtual Teaching & Learning Center Virtual Teaching & Learning Center
QEP Update Fall 2010/ Spring 2011 Priorities 2.Increase campus/student awareness of and engagement with CT: More Campus Forums Speakers Bureau Newsletter
QEP Update Fall 2010/ Spring 2011 Priorities 3.Document efforts for 5-year impact report: Revised CT SLOs at the course level CT Best Practices A-T-C Gen Ed and ENG 111 assessment data Indirect assessments (student & faculty surveys)
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