Happy Friday! If you have #3 to turn in from yesterday, give it to me. If you have #3 to turn in from yesterday, give it to me. If you turned in flash cards, take them back. If you turned in flash cards, take them back. Grab your note card and sit in CE groups Grab your note card and sit in CE groups
Choose a different writer for today. Choose a different writer for today. Flip your old index card over, and write today’s date on the back (10/23) Flip your old index card over, and write today’s date on the back (10/23) Write names of all members on back of index card like this: Write names of all members on back of index card like this:10/23Orlando Jimmy Bob Joe Queen Francesca The Hulk Index card:
What to discuss: Basic facts of the CE Basic facts of the CE Similarities and differences between this CE and other things you know about Similarities and differences between this CE and other things you know about Connections to other regions of the world, other things you know about Connections to other regions of the world, other things you know about Implications for the future Implications for the future What do you think should be done about this issue? What do you think should be done about this issue? What may have caused this event? What may have caused this event? *If you finish discussing one CE, move on to the next most interesting one. *You should NOT have time to discuss more than 2 CE’s. If you do, your discussion is too superficial.
Show, Don’t Tell Telling: She was mad at her brother for stealing her pudding. Telling: She was mad at her brother for stealing her pudding. Showing: She swung open the kitchen door and tossed her books on the table. “Bobby!” she yelled, “I’m home!” Hurriedly, she opened the refrigerator door and scanned the shelves. Her brow furrowed, and she moved a jar of pickles to see if anything hid behind it. Nope. She rummaged through the drawers, and then the refrigerator door. Still no pudding. “Bobby!” she yelled, exasperated, “why do you always do this to me?” Bobby peeked his sandy head around the swinging door, grinned, and fled up the stairs. Showing: She swung open the kitchen door and tossed her books on the table. “Bobby!” she yelled, “I’m home!” Hurriedly, she opened the refrigerator door and scanned the shelves. Her brow furrowed, and she moved a jar of pickles to see if anything hid behind it. Nope. She rummaged through the drawers, and then the refrigerator door. Still no pudding. “Bobby!” she yelled, exasperated, “why do you always do this to me?” Bobby peeked his sandy head around the swinging door, grinned, and fled up the stairs.
Show, Don’t Tell --descriptions --adjectives and adverbs --actions --facial expressions/body language He was sad. He was sad. The two girls were best friends. The two girls were best friends. He was mad at his father. He was mad at his father. She was having a bad day. She was having a bad day. He was excited about his trip. He was excited about his trip. She felt uncomfortable on her date. She felt uncomfortable on her date. He got a bad grade on his paper. He got a bad grade on his paper. She tried to look upset, but was secretly happy. She tried to look upset, but was secretly happy.
Descriptive Paragraph Purpose: Purpose: –Write a description of a person, place, or object that is emotionally significant to you –Use the 5 senses to create a vivid description (show, don’t tell) –Use appropriate word choice to create a desired tone (connotation) –Use a variety of sentence patterns to create interesting writing.
Descriptive Paragraph Think about: Think about: –Purpose: Objective? Subjective? –Audience: What will we already know? –Dominant Impression: Choose details carefully—not hodgepodge of every detail you know. Ex. If going for spooky, don’t include details that are not spooky –Organization: Can’t just randomly throw details together. Location, importance, tone. Stick with only one.
eyelashes example.doc eyelashes example.doc eyelashes example.doc eyelashes example.doc
Descriptive Paragraph Brainstorm topics! Brainstorm topics! –With desk partner—both write own list (lists may be identical) –List of 50 topics When you have 50, let me know. When you have 50, let me know.
Descriptive Paragraph Due Monday: Due Monday: – word descriptive paragraph. Include word count on top. Don’t go over! –Typed, double spaced. –No late passes on this one. –Use: 5 senses as appropriate Metaphors, similes Show, don’t tell