Let’s view the videovideo
Primitive electricity No Computer No instruments Could see some batteries Could see telephone No women
Electricity (outlets and lights) Few women Some small appliances (blender) No computers
Fluorescent lighting Glassware and instruments are more compact Still prefer wooden furniture but some metal and plastic is used
Most modern equipment is present Computers are still not present or are too big for the lab Instruments are still not as visible Not as much ventilation but some safety equipment
Computers present Instruments present Digital balances Ventilation and safety devices in plenty Much area for electronics to plug in
Flat panel monitors Many instruments Much safety equipment and ventilation
TOYS! Instruments of all kinds Gas Chromatograph, Liquid Chromatograph, Spectrometers, Mass Spectrometers (very nice), NMR, and biotechnology equipment such as electrophoresis chambers Minimum digital balances, analytical balances, a few computers running up to date software, and some spectrometer like UV-vis or UV-IR.