Catechesis According to Age CAT105 RCIA – Adult Faith Formation January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, 2016
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, Recap of the characteristics of Catechesis: a.Christocentric – deepens our relationship with Christ b.Stage of Christian Maturation c.Aims: Communion, understanding, change d.Complete, Systematic, Organic e.Keywords: Understanding, Change, Depth
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, The different types of adult catechesis include: a.Baptized Catechized b.Baptized Uncatechized c.Unbaptized
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, Elements and criteria in adult catechesis include (GDC 174): a.Respects their background b.Calls them to renew the temporal order c.Involves them in the community d.Needs to be systematic in its approach
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, The general tasks of adult catechesis are (GDC 175): a.Formation and development of life in the risen Christ b.Education towards a correct evaluation of the socio- cultural changes c.Clarify current religious and moral questions
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, The general tasks of adult catechesis are (GDC 175): d.Clarify the relationship between temporal actions and ecclesial action. e.Develops the rational foundations of the Faith. f.Encourage adults to assume responsibility for the Church’s mission
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, Effective adult catechesis: a.Welcoming and inviting – Must be worth their time b.Slow and gradual unveiling – patient c.It has to make sense and shown to be reasonable d.Creates chaos with care e.The person must be continually catechized at every major stage of life
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, Catechesis in the RCIA includes (RCIA 71.1, 2/GDC ): a.Systematic, gradual and complete b.Accommodated to the Liturgical Year c.Profound sense of the mystery of salvation d.Apprenticeship in Christian Life e.Deepening of Conversion f.Supported by the Community g.Appropriate to age and culture h.Is not dictated by academic calendar, but takes as long as is necessary
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, Teaching for conversion Catechetical instruction “should be of the kind that while presenting Catholic teaching in it’s entirety also: a.Enlightens faith, b.Directs the heart toward God, c.Fosters participation in the liturgy, d.Inspires apostolic activity, e.Nurtures a life completely in accord with the Spirit of Christ” (RCIA 78)
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, Signs of Conversion/establishing roots to the adult’s faith: a.The dispositions manifested at their acceptance…are brought to maturity…in 4 ways (RCIA 75). b.“progressive change of outlook and conduct” as supported and encouraged by sponsor, catechists and community. (RCIA 75.2) c.Participation in Liturgy (RCIA 75.3) d.Christian Witness (RCIA 75.4)
Catechesis According to Age January 4, 2016January 4, 2016January 4, 2016 For Discussion Describe how your parish catechizes adults, whether in RCIA or elsewhere with those already baptized. What drives adults to want to know the teachings of Christ and the Church more deeply?