By. Sadie Crawford, Raeanne Telesco, and Adam Zawadzki
It was time for the Church to come to a deeper understanding of herself Beginning in 1545 about forty bishops met over eighteen years to examine Catholic beliefs and traditions Saints helped the reform take place
St. Charles Borromeo played a major role in the council, and after the council was over, he made sure that its work would not be lost He worked tirelessly to see that the liturgy was restored and that the poor and the sick were cared for He established seminaries in his diocese so that priests would be educated for their ministry
A mystic is someone who was granted an experience of direct union with God Teresa of Jesus became a Carmelite sister at age twenty Teresa devoted her entire life to prayer and penance for Christ In 1970 she received the title Doctor of the Church
St. Thomas Moore and St. John Fisher defended the truths of the faith in England St. Thomas was chancellor of England under King Henry VIII Bishop Fisher had written eight books against heresy
St. Ignatius of Loyola was a proud adventurous soldier in Spain He was a Jesuit that taught, wrote and advised kings and popes St. Francis Wavier was a Jesuit that carried the Gospel to India and Japan St. Peter Claver brought relief to African slaves
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