Grace and judgment seem to be strange bedfellows. We would not expect to see them in the same event. In today’s lesson, however, we will see how God brought.


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Presentation transcript:

Grace and judgment seem to be strange bedfellows. We would not expect to see them in the same event. In today’s lesson, however, we will see how God brought both grace and judgment through a great flood.

And the Rains Came Genesis 7:11-8:22 family theme: God delivered judgment and grace. family theme: God delivered judgment and grace.

God Protects Us According to His Will Genesis 7:11-16

God Protects Us According to His Will Noah obeyed God’s commands, and God provided him and his family with safety during the cataclysmic events of the flood.

That Noah’s family joined Him on the ark is evidence that he had taught and discipled them. God established the home to make disciples and transfer the faith.

God’s grace in saving Noah and his family on the ark reminds us that God offers salvation and forgiveness to those who will respond to Him in faith.

God’s grace provides an ark of protection, but we enter into it by faith. What stands out to you the most regarding Noah’s faith? What about his family’s faith stands out to you? How has God been there for you during difficult times?

God Remembers Us and Keeps His Promises Genesis 7:17-8:1

The Flood is a powerful reminder that sin brought death and destruction into the world.

God Remembers Us and Keeps His Promises The term “remembered” means to act upon a previous commitment to a covenant partner. As the flooding ended and the waters receded, it must have been a great comfort to all the people and animals in the ark.

Even in the darkest of days, we can be sure that God remembers His children. What are some of the difficult situations we face as believers? How can this simple fact of God remembering His children help you get through the difficult days of your life?

God Blesses Us With His Goodness Genesis 8:2-22

God Blesses Us With His Goodness Noah and his family were saved as a result of their obedience and faith in God, and God promised to never again destroy the entire world with a flood.

Every person on the face of the earth has reason to praise God because we all enjoy the goodness of God to this planet, and to all mankind. In what ways does every single person enjoy God’s goodness in our world today? What has God done specifically for you that makes you want to praise Him?

How did God provide protection for Noah and His family? In what ways does keeping God’s commands protect us today? How are God’s commands actually a reflection of His grace to us?

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