Nomadic: Wandered the desert for 40 years looking for God’s Promised Land. Nomadic: Wandered the desert for 40 years looking for God’s Promised Land. No.


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Presentation transcript:

Nomadic: Wandered the desert for 40 years looking for God’s Promised Land. Nomadic: Wandered the desert for 40 years looking for God’s Promised Land. No country: Did not have a permanent homeland until 1947 when the country of Israel was created. No country: Did not have a permanent homeland until 1947 when the country of Israel was created. General Information about Jewish People and Ancient Hebrews

Trace their history to Abraham Trace their history to Abraham Kings to Know – Saul, David, Solomon Kings to Know – Saul, David, Solomon Divided Kingdom – Israel and Judah Divided Kingdom – Israel and Judah Center of Temple – Holy of Holies contained Ark of the Covenant Center of Temple – Holy of Holies contained Ark of the Covenant Then we get to … Hebrew Literature

Monotheistic (1 god) - Yahweh (Elohim, Adonai) Monotheistic (1 god) - Yahweh (Elohim, Adonai) He is above all a person with whom one can have a relationship. He is above all a person with whom one can have a relationship. God for Jewish people The Jewish people have a covenant with God—a special relationship in which God watches over them and guides their destiny. The Jewish people have a covenant with God—a special relationship in which God watches over them and guides their destiny.

Major Text = Torah Types of Writing Prophetical – Tell about the coming Messiah History – Tell the history of the Jewish people Poetry – Used to praise Yahweh (name of God) Psalm – song sung to teach, worship, or to inform Psalm – song sung to teach, worship, or to inform Types of Writing/ Literature

Not well developed but some say there will be a final day of judgment. Jews still hope for the coming of the Messiah, who will hand out eternal judgment and reward to all. Afterlife

Use your these stories to fill out your graphic organizer: 1.Gilgamesh – pgs Noah – pgs Flood Stories

Write a long paragraph (7-9 good sentences) compare/contrast about the flood stories. Are they more alike or different? You decide, but use the texts as your evidence. Long Writing

1.What did God create first? 2.What is the firmament? 3.What are the lights that divide the day from the night? 4.In whose image is man made? 5.Why did God create man according to Genesis? 6.How many trees did God put in the garden of Eden that are named? What are their names? 7.Why did God make Eve? 8.Who tricked Eve into eating the fruit? 9.What is God’s punishment for disobeying Him? For Adam? For Eve? For both? 10.How did God keep them out of the Garden? Genesis Questions Read Pgs and Answer these in complete sentences.

Allusions An allusion is a figure of speech that makes a reference to a place, event, literary work, myth or work of art. The reader or listener has to make the connection. Types – Biblical Christian Bible – Historical factual events – Classical from Greek or Roman mythology 9

Directions: In groups of 4 find enough information for each of the biblical allusions below to make yourself familiar with the meaning of the story, character, or reference. Write a short (1 or 2 sentences) summary for each story, character, or reference. Put your summary together with your partners’ (read them all…) then write them and turn them in. Looking at Biblical Allusions

1.Abraham and Isaac 2.David and Bathsheba 3.Eye of the Needle 4.David and Goliath 5.Good Samaritan 6.Doubting Thomas 7.Original Sin/The Fall 8.Samson and Delilah 9.Solomon 10.Four Horsemen 11.The Exodus 12.The Promised Land 13.The Flood 14.Garden of Eden 15.Job 16.Jonah 17.Manna 18.Prodigal Son 19.Armageddon 20.Messiah/Christ Figure