African Kingdoms
A varied landscape Africa’s landscape and climate presents challenges Too little water Too much water Non-navigable rivers Mountains Water borne parasites
Social Structure Village life based on clans and age-sets Division of labor Oral traditions -griots Animist religions
Bantu migration Bantu peoples migrated into most of central and southern Africa Bantu peoples spread agricultural techniques across Africa displacing hunter-gatherer groups
Aksum Aksum was based on wealth from the Red Sea trade routes Developed one of the few written languages in Africa Adopted Christianity
Ethiopia Inland from Axum Built distinctive churches 2 nd dynasty claims to be descended from Solomon Claim to have the ark of the covenant Not colonized by Europe
Coastal City-States Dependent on Indian Ocean monsoon winds Arabia, Persia India Arab Muslim traders brought Islam Swahili came about from blending Arab and Bantu languages Ivory, gold and slaves from the interior (Great Zimbabwe)
West African Kingdoms Depended on trans- Saharan trade caravans Salt and Gold were the most important trade goods Cities that controlled trade routes developed empires
West African Kingdoms Ghana linked gold regions of the south with salt producers in the north Mali adopted Islam Timbuktu Mansa Musa Songhai started with river trade then controlled traditional routes