The United States begins fighting…
National Liberation Front – Vietcong National Liberation Front – Vietcong – South Vietnam – Overthrow Diem – Get rid of Americans – Reunite North and South
Send military advisors to train SVA Send military advisors to train SVA Geneva Accords military advisors Geneva Accords military advisors – Kennedy : 16,000 Diem – “strategic hamlet” Diem – “strategic hamlet” – Moved whole villages to “fortified villages” Peasants did not want to move, land of ancestors Peasants did not want to move, land of ancestors – VC promised peasants more land once united
Vietcong Ambush Ambush Booby traps Booby traps Guerilla tactics Guerilla tactics – Blend in Underground tunnel systems Underground tunnel systems United States Search and destroy missions Search and destroy missions Zippo raids Zippo raids Napalm Napalm Agent Orange Agent Orange
To destroy crops To destroy crops To defoliate the jungle. To defoliate the jungle. To eliminate the hiding places of the Viet Cong. To eliminate the hiding places of the Viet Cong.
After Before
10 % of South Vietnam was contaminated with 12 million gallons of Agent Orange by airplanes spraying it over the land. 10 % of South Vietnam was contaminated with 12 million gallons of Agent Orange by airplanes spraying it over the land
North Vietnam – aid from China & Soviet Union North Vietnam – aid from China & Soviet Union North Vietnam aid/supplies/arms/leader- ship North Vietnam aid/supplies/arms/leader- ship – Ho Chi Minh Trail Go through Jungles of Cambodia and Laos Go through Jungles of Cambodia and Laos – Not officially in the War US strategy –”war of attrition” US strategy –”war of attrition”
In the world of sports, having the “Home Court Advantage” can often determine the outcome of a game…How did the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army benefit from having “Home Court Advantage” in the war? In the world of sports, having the “Home Court Advantage” can often determine the outcome of a game…How did the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army benefit from having “Home Court Advantage” in the war?
1968 Tet Offensive 1968 Tet Offensive – Tet – VN New Year – NVA & VC launched a massive guerrilla attack on US military airbases in SV Fought in cities. Many military and civilian casualties Fought in cities. Many military and civilian casualties US claimed a military victory US claimed a military victory NVA won a political victory NVA won a political victory (Media – Credibility gap) "The picture of the world's greatest superpower killing 1,000 noncombatants a week, while trying to pound a tiny backward nation into submission on an issue whose merits are highly disputed, is not a pretty one."
Nixon appoints Henry Kissinger as special assistant for National Security Affairs Nixon appoints Henry Kissinger as special assistant for National Security Affairs – Kissinger enters negotiations with NV’s negotiator, Tho – “Vietnamization”
US Soldiers kill unarmed Vietnamese, many who were women, old men and children
“To kill on military orders and be a criminal, or to refuse to kill and be a criminal is the moral agony of America’s Vietnam War generation…”
US wanted to take out VC military bases in Cambodia US wanted to take out VC military bases in Cambodia US public saw it as widening of war US public saw it as widening of war Kent State University Kent State University – Student protest in 1970 – Ohio National Guard Soldiers fired on demonstrators without orders Killed 4 Wounded 9
1970 – Congress repeals the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1970 – Congress repeals the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1971 – Pentagon Papers 1971 – Pentagon Papers – Confirmed the fears of many Americans Govt had not been completely honest with them Govt had not been completely honest with them – Weary of leaders
1971 – 2/3rds of American’s wanted to pull out of Vietnam 1971 – 2/3rds of American’s wanted to pull out of Vietnam Kissinger – “peace is at hand” Kissinger – “peace is at hand” Negotiations broke down Negotiations broke down – Christmas Bombings 12 days of most intense bombing 12 days of most intense bombing – 1973 – peace agreement – US withdraws troops – 1975 – NV attacks SV – Saigon Ho Chi Minh City U.S. exits
War cost US $170 BillionWar cost US $170 Billion 58,000 US soldiers died58,000 US soldiers died 300,000 US soldiers injured300,000 US soldiers injured 1 million N & S Vietnamese soldiers died1 million N & S Vietnamese soldiers died
Because the antiwar protests at home broke the American spirit and crushed military morale? Because the antiwar protests at home broke the American spirit and crushed military morale? Because we didn’t understand our enemy and the reality and strength of a nationalist movement? Because we didn’t understand our enemy and the reality and strength of a nationalist movement? Why do you think the U.S. Lost the War?