Goat Breeds Animal Science
Sheep and Goat Terms Sheep – Intact Male- Ram – Castrated Male- Wether – Adult Female- Ewe – Young- Lamb Goats – Intact Male- Buck (Billy) – Castrated Male- Wether – Adult Female- Doe (Nanny) – Young- Kid Nanny and Billy are not accepted “technical” terminology, but are still heard in the small ruminant industries.
Goat Breeds Three main types: – Dairy – Meat Chevon- adult goat meat Cabrito- young goat meat – Fiber Mohair – Hair from Angora Goats
Alpine Multipurpose breed Many different colors and patterns accepted Known for hardiness Good range animals
Angora Used for fiber production: Mohair 5.3 lbs of mohair per clipping, 2 clippings per year Breed dates back to biblical times Sensitive animals, require more management
Boer Meat type breed Known for meat quality Excellent growth Prolific breed: 200% Gaining in popularity for 4H projects
La Mancha Dairy goat Naturally “earless” Developed in Oregon with goats from Spain Hardy dairy breed with a high butterfat
Myotonic Meat breed Breed out of season Easy kidders Good milkers Also Known As: – Tennessee Stiff-Legged Goat – Fainting Goat You Tube Video of Fainting Goats
Nubian Developed in England All purpose goat Many colors and patterns accepted Known for heat tolerance Lengthened breeding season
Pygmy Originated in Africa Popular as pets Used in petting zoos
Saanen Originated in Switzerland White is the only acceptable color Sensitive to heat and sunlight Heavy milk producers
NOTE: Other breeds in each species exist – these are the 8 most common for each species