Failing performance Physical unattractiveness Loneliness Morbidity The present study focuses on; The effects that indivually held age stereotypes may have on the self-views of elderly people.
is “...a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.” (Cardwell, 1996). Stereotypes can be positive or negative. For example, we could stereotype all older people as cranky or we could stereotype them as wise.
Concerning the relation between age streotypes and self-views in older people, 3 general assumptions are determined. 1. Contamination Hypothesis 2. Comparison Hypothesis 3. Externalisation Hypothesis
People tend to gradually include stereotyped views about age and aging into their self views. Negative age stereotypes are acquired early in life As people grow older, self-views become increasingly contaminated with negative implications of the age stereotype.
1. Social Comparison Theory States that in the absence of objective measures for self-evaluation, we compare ourselves to others to find how we are doing. a. Upward Comparison; ourselves vs. better than we are b. Downward Comparison; ourselves vs. worse than we are. Assumes that age stereotypes serve as a reference standard for self enhancing Old age automatically seems to activate a negative age stereotype.
Older people might revise prior expectations about age and ageing on the basis of their own experiences viewing own experiences as common and typical = false consensus effect. Indivually held age stereotypes are a projection of elderly persons’ self-views.
A view of one's self; specifically, carefulness or regard for one's own interests. According to the contamination hypothesis, self-views are assimilated to previously held stereotyped views of the typical elderly. According to externalisation hypothesis, A person’s self-views should influence her or his views about elderly people in general.
Contamination effects are triggered by self-categorisation as ‘old’! Become more prevalent in old age To counteract contamination effects, elderly people can try to dissociate their self-concept from age stereotypes; By playing down the importance of negative aspects of the stereotype By avoiding a self-categorization as ‘old’ (many elderly people report feeling less than they actually are)
Self-views can be defended against the influence of a negative age stereotype; By changing the criteria for ascribing personally relevant attributes By rescaling the personal importance of these attributes. Such adjustments represent an accomodative mode of coping. Older persons = accomodative flexibility they are more prone to enrich the attribute ‘old’ with positive meaning
Accomodative flexibility; should help to protect the self-concept of elderly people against contamination effects of stereotyped expectations of the typical old person. The present study; Appraisals of the self and the typical old person were assessed.
Sample; Recruited from an urban area in south west Germany. Participants were randomly selected Contacted by Middle and old age (54 to77 yrs) Longitudinal interval of 8 yrs 690 participants Measures of self-evaluation and individual age stereotype; Self evaluations, stereotypes of the typical old person, were assessed by semantic differential. Contained 32 pairs of antonyms (e.g. Patient-impatient)
Flexible Goal Adjustment is measure of accomodative flexibility Assesses the readiness to adjust goals Readiness to find positive meanings in aversive situations + I find it easy to see something positive even in a serious event. - I am never really satisfied unless things come up to my wishes exactly.
Global ratings for the typical old person were much more negative than the self-ratings. People who score high on FGA tended to view the typical old person more positively. Similarity between patterns of self ratings and stereotype ratings was more pronounced for older participants and for participants scoring low on the FGA scale.
Conforming to the contamination hypothesis; Stereotyped expectations about elderly people predicted later self-appraisals. Conforming to the externalisation hypothesis; Self-views had an influence on individually held age stereotype.
People score high on; dispositional variable seem capable of protecting theirselves from negative stereotypes. FGA seem more able to dissociate problems. Age stereotypes taint (lekelemek) self- evaluations.
Rothermund,K. & Brandtstädter, J. (2003). Age stereotypes, self-views in later life: Evaluating rival assumptions. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 27,