Math This week we have begun our unit all about TIME. We have been working on some fun songs to help us with our Days of the Week and Months of the Year. Plus, we are learning how to read and write our days of the week and months of the year. Ask your kiddo to tell you his/her favorite day, month, and season. Maybe you could even do a family graph at home of these favorites too. Don’t forget FAMILY FUN math is our 100 th day projects!! Reader’s Club We have been continuing our work with stories about Weather and the Seasons during our small group reading time. Ask your kiddo about the two books they read this week. We illustrated and wrote about our favorite weather. Keep working on those reading and writing skills at home too. At the listening center we continued with our book called Hibernation Station… what was your kiddos favorite part? Next week we will be working on more writing activities and sight word practice. ZUMBA We had the BEST time doing Zumba for our Positive School Wide Behavior Reward!! We also LOVED the great water bottles that we got as a special gift! Way to go Kratzer Kiddos…keep up the great work! **GYM REMINDER*** Mr. Kleintop would like all boys and girls to wear sneakers on DAY 3 for Gym…because it will be part of his/her grade for the 3 rd marking period. Reminders Monday, February 4 ~ Sound/letter binders will go home 100 th day projects can start coming in Tuesday, February 5 ~ Signed math tests are due back Friday, February 8 ~ Binders are due! REPORT CARDS GO HOME! ***100 th day projects are due by Feb. 13 th. Snack items for the 100 th day are due by February 13 th. If you signed up to be a helper for the Valentine’s Day/100 th Day Party…a special letter was sent home to you as a reminder and your name will be on a special list in the office for you to check in. Thanks so much for your help with this matter. Mrs. Jones’ Weekly News February 1, 2013 Language Arts We are truly enjoying this next unit all about What can I learn when I explore the outdoors. We have been learning all about our Natural Resources and the Weather and Seasons. Our Focus Question this week is: What can I observe as the seasons change. Also, this week’s reading strategy has been all about Making Connections, Inferences, and Asking Questions. We have been working hard to determine the difference between a statement that is a FACT or an OPINION. Please continue to work on this at home with your kiddo too. Letters for the Week: We are working on sounds again in words and we are working on letters Mm and Ss for beginning, middle, and end sounds. Also the vowel sounds for Aa and Oo. Continue to practice these skills in your consonant binder each week. Groundhog Day We talked about this special fun day and if the Groundhog will get to see his shadow or not! Enjoy the cute songs and information page about Groundhogs too. Have your kiddo sing to you and find out tomorrow if he sees his shadow or not and if we have 6 more weeks of winter? SIGHT WORDS We have now learned 25 new sight words. Our new charts with our sentences went home this week too. PLEASE try to have your child practice these words using flash cards, reading the charts, and writing sentences using these words too. Continued practice of these skills helps us to become better readers! PLEASE keep sight word books in your child’s backpack so that new charts can be placed in there and so they can read it during reader’s club too. STARS of the DAY AM ~ Marina Galligani, Jayvian Diaz, Olivia Nguyen, Brianna Negron PM ~ Emine’ Hollis, Andrew Follweiler, Bethany Bell, Bryan Eras **Ask your kiddo to tell you about some important facts they learned about these special friends. We have been working on Asking Questions and Giving Compliments to our friends.