Welcome to Reading!
Hello! Hello, hello! It’s a brand new year. Filled with fun and learning, Nothing to fear. Sit back and listen, Lend me an ear, I’m your Reading teacher for the rest of this year!
Mrs. Moten
All about me! I love teaching! I love to read! I love to have fun! I love to shop with coupons! I love hot wings and boiled crawfish! I love the Texans! Yes, I love polka dots!
Moten’s Classroom Rules 1. Be in your assigned seat WORKING when the tardy bell rings. 2. DO NOT interrupt me while I am talking (emergencies only). 3. ALWAYS raise your hand before asking a question and offering an answer. 4. ALWAYS ask for permission before useing any of my supplies. 5. ALWAYS use the restroom BEFORE entering this classroom (and the tardy bell). 6. Always have your completed homework, library book and AR folder.
Principal Mrs. VanCourt
Assistant Principals Mr. Hurtado Mr. Ramirez Ms. Smith (Team A)
Counselors Mr. Garcia(Team A) Ms. Fleming
Team A Mrs. Lilly-Math-Team Leader Ms. Bean – Math Mr. Eilers – Social Studies Mrs. Moten – Reading Mrs. Woods – Pre-AP Reading Miss Sahagan - Science
Cobb’s Theme All Aboard with PRIDE!
PRIDE Preparing Readers with Innovative Daily Engagements
Language Arts Scope and Sequence Unit One Fiction / Poetry
Reading You are expected to read every night for at least 30 minutes (parent /guardian signature is required) It’s time to read more nonfiction (magazines, newspapers, biographies, autobiographies, and areas of interest (sports, cooking, etc.) You are now reading to understand. We don’t do easy, we make easy happen with hard work!
Homework Homework is assigned EVERY Monday and is due on Friday of the same week. Yes, you have homework today. Practice makes progress! If homework is not 100% complete, you will not receive 100% credit! Do your own homework. Your “friend” may have the wrong answers!
Grading Scale ELA Grade percentages Daily Work 50% Homework 10% Test 40% *Any Assignments that are not turned in on the due date will be assessed a 10-point penalty per week. After that time, any assignment may be turned in prior to the last week of the marking period for a maximum grade of 50.
Technology AR Tests – Do not read the same books from last year iStation – Help with vocabulary and comprehension Projects (Poetry, Passports, Grammar, etc.) Free computer time (teacher is in control) Congratulations! This is an iPad class! We will have BYOD Days. Meet the Phone Prison!
What Happens When You’re Absent?
I was absent, now what? Assignments will be filed in date order in binder. Assignments can also be found on Moodle. It is very important for students to be in class every day. Explanations that take place during class are not easily made up. Try to avoid absences or setting appointments during the Reading and Math class periods. It is the responsibility of the student to get their makeup assignments when absent. This includes copying notes they have missed from another student. Students are allowed two days from the first day of absence and one day for each additional absence to complete missed work. However, work that was assigned before the absence is due when the student returns to school.
Tutorials & Extra Help
Take Pride in YOUR Learning … You must listen carefully in class and take notes. If you do not understand what is being explained, please be encouraged to ASK QUESTIONS. Tutorials will be on Tuesday afternoons from 3:55-4:55. Students may attend tutorials with a written pass from the teacher or parent.
L Literacy Lounge
Is under construction
What is the Literacy Lounge? A relaxed corner of room 412 where readers can ENJOY reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Books organized by genre Magazines Newspapers Nook HD Kindle Touch iPad Lounge Chairs
Cobb Organizations
Get Involved Band Choir C.L.O.C. Demoiselle Diamonds Honor Society Student Council Math and Science Club Rosebuds
Get Organized
Things to Do Memorize Lunch number today! Memorize AR number and password. Memorized your schedule Listen more than you talk Write your homework assignments and due dates in your agenda. Make sure everything has a place and stays in it! Do not shove all papers into your backpack; this will make a mess and you will not be able to find anything you need! Try setting up a schedule in the morning that will help you with staying organized. Always have backup supplies. At home, set up a drawer or area in your room for extra school supplies. If you like to draw or make up stories in your free time or while waiting for the bus, keep an "extra folder" for all your papers Make sure to pay attention Take responsibility for your assignments and your actions.
My Contact Information
Mrs. Danna Guillory-Moten Reading / Team A Please do not send me a friend request on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media sites.
Backpacks are stored under the desk at ALL times!
Before your leave room 412, Your desk should look like this!