Complex fractions are fractions that have fractions within them. They are either in the numerator, the denominator, or both. Divide complex fractions by multiplying (keep, change, change)
Dividing Fractions Review When dividing fractions, they do NOT need to have a common denominator. To divide two fractions, change the operation to multiply and take the reciprocal of the second fraction (flip the second fraction). Keep-Change-Change. Change Operation. Flip 2nd Fraction.
Suppose a car travels 10 ¾ miles in 1/4 an hour. Determine the unit rate: 43 mph C. 43mph B. 11mph A. 23mph D. 55mph
C. $100 B. $800 A. $80 D. $750
Discounts: C. $75 B. $16 A. $64 D. $96
C. $90,000 B. $88,000 A. $10,000 D. $95,000
A group of 6 hikers are preparing for a one-week trip. All of the group’s supplies will be carried by the hikers in backpacks. The leader decided that it would be fair for each hiker to carry a backpack that is the same fraction of his weight as all the other hiker’s. In this set-up, the heaviest hiker would carry the heaviest load. The table below shows the weight of each hiker and the weight of his/her backpack. On the next slide you will complete the table by finding the missing amounts of weight by applying the same ratio as the first 2 rows. Hint: There are 16oz in 1 lb.
Hiker’s Weight Backpack Weight Total Weight (lbs) 152 lb 4 oz14 lb 8 oz 107 lb 10 oz10 lb 4 oz 129 lb 15 oz 10 lb B. 178
Hiker’s Weight Backpack Weight Total Weight (lbs) 152 lb 4 oz14 lb 8 oz 107 lb 10 oz10 lb 4 oz 129 lb 15 oz 10 lb
Hiker’s Weight Backpack Weight Total Weight (lbs) 152 lb 4 oz14 lb 8 oz 107 lb 10 oz10 lb 4 oz 129 lb 15 oz 10 lb
Hiker’s Weight Backpack Weight Total Weight (lbs) 152 lb 4 oz14 lb 8 oz 107 lb 10 oz10 lb 4 oz 129 lb 15 oz 10 lb C. 105 B
SKILLS CHECK! When you finish turn your paper over and put it in the corner of your desk. Then silent read, work on something from another class, or work on the coordinate plane activity When you finish turn your paper over and put it in the corner of your desk. Then silent read, work on something from another class, or work on the coordinate plane activity No talking. Don’t forget to watch the homework videos! Don’t forget to watch the homework videos!