Do Now: Get out your homework, get out other necessary items, put your backpack away. Complete Comprehension 5A.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now: Get out your homework, get out other necessary items, put your backpack away. Complete Comprehension 5A.

MOOSE SONG!!! We have 5 minutes to be silly and sing the “Moose” song, but then we have to get real serious and read this cool poem about a moose.

Number the stanzas What’s a stanza, you say?

Marking the Text Circle DICTION Circle DICTION Squiggle Figurative Language as you see it Squiggle Figurative Language as you see it Square the SETTING Square the SETTING

Rhetorical Triangle of “Mooses” Copy into your notes.

Diction Choices “Funny” In your groups separate the diction you circled in the poem. “Sad” Separate it as funny or sad.

Is this poem mostly sad or mostly humorous? Explain. Answer this question using the ACCE graphic organizer.

Figurative Language Hyperbole – an exaggeration. OMG! I’m so hungry I could eat a moose!

Figurative Language Simile – a comparison using like or as between 2 nouns – a comparison using like or as between 2 nouns The moose’s antlers were like hands reaching up to the sky.

Figurative Language Metaphor – calling one thing by the name of something else; compares to unlike objects. The moose raised his hands up to the sky and peered through teary marbles at the sunshine.

Figurative Language Alliteration – Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words close together. The meaty moose maneuvered through the marsh.

Where did you find fig. lang. in the poem? Use your figurative language to answer these questions in your group: Which metaphors are in lines 1-9, and what does the metaphor in line 4 describe? What hyperbole can you find? Why did the writer use it? How does alliteration help you picture the moose in line 24? What do we learn about the moose through the poet’s use of quotations/dialogue?

What is the poet’s purpose in using these different types of figurative language to describe the moose? Explain Use the ACCE graphic organizer to answer this question. What you do not complete is HW.

Exit Ticket: Going back to our unit question, does the moose have a choice in his thoughts and actions? Does a moose have ingenuity? Why or why not?