Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Audit of Best Value The importance of good performance management in achieving best value Paul Vaughan Senior Manager-Policy and Communications Fife Council
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Audit of Best Value Best Value 1, Audit & 2 Outcomes and Community Planning Milestones Delivering Outcomes
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Best Value Local Govt Act 1994 –duty to have regard to 3 E’s Best Value actually introduced in 1997 The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 A “..descriptive not prescriptive..” regime
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future BV Audit Providing independent assurance for citizens on a council’s performance, efficiency and effectiveness Contributing to a council’s own efforts to improve Publishing more integrated reports ~ a rounded picture
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Fife BV Audit Key elements of a performance management framework in place Develop the framework Improve reporting to elected members
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future BV2 Performance Management & Improvement –Customer Focus and Responsiveness –Performance management –Efficiency –Competitiveness –Risk Management
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future De Waal 2007
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future continuous improvement RESULTS What are we trying to achieve? ASSESSMENT & REVIEW How do we know its working? DEPLOYMENT How are we going to deliver? APPROACH What do we need to consider? Source EFQM 1999
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Connections Scotland’s priorities Priorities for Fife Community priorities
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Outcome Focussed
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Fife, a great place to live, work and visit.
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Delivering the Vision and Goals * Building a Stronger, More Flexible and Diverse Economy * A Well Educated and Skilled Fife * Improving Health and Wellbeing * Sustaining and Improving our Environment * Making Fife’s Communities Safer
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Community Plan Local Outcomes Building a stronger, more flexible and diverse economy Creating a well educated and skilled Fife Improving health and wellbeing in Fife Sustaining and improving our environment Making Fife’s communities safer 1. A dynamic business base and a skilled workforce 1. Supporting early years development 1. Reduced health inequalities 1. Less waste1. Less crime and fear of crime 2. Success in key sectors of the economy 2. Raising educational attainment 2. Healthier environments and community wellbeing 2. Better local environments and a sustainable natural heritage 2. Less antisocial and nuisance behaviour 3. A knowledge economy 3. Promoting educational achievement 3. Healthier lifestyles 3. More sustainable transportation 3. Less abuse of women and children 4. Pathways to employment 4. Lower CO 2 emissions from energy use 4. Fewer injuries and losses of life in homes and on the roads 5. Investment for growth 5. Better water, air and land quality
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Alignment
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Delivering Council Priorities Improved educational attainment and achievement for all Make Fife the leading green Council in Scotland Increase access to housing Improve local conditions for economic development Improve sport, leisure and cultural opportunities Target support to vulnerable people Improve community safety Become a top performing Council
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future
Resource Mgmt Results Budget Management Energy Management Business Mileage Project Delivery Key Performance Results Direct Link to Service Plan Other Service Results People Results Key HR Indices : Leadership, Recognition, Motivation, Career Opportunity Attendance Equality Customer Results Satisfaction Usage Complaints Contact & Resolution One Scorecard
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Scorecard Cascade Council Scorecard 14 Service Scorecards
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future ‘Golden Thread’ Links Community Plan:Sustaining & Improving Our Environment: Cut Down on Waste Council Plan: Leading Green Council: Reducing biodegradable waste going to landfill Service Plan Key Objective: Council Scorecard: Development of proposals for incineration plant Service Scorecard: Overall Percentage of municipal waste recycled Overall Percentage of municipal waste recycled. Percentage of municipal waste composted.
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future Service Plan Fife’s Community Plan Contribution Management Fife Council Plan Operational Plans Key Strategies & Initiatives National Planning Regimes Risk Management Corporate Governance Best Value Budget & Efficiency EFQM Assessment Audit & Inspection Policy Decisions Customer First Performance Information Other Services & Partnerships
Fife Partnership… Strengthening Fife’s Future
continuous improvement RESULTS What are we trying to achieve? ASSESSMENT & REVIEW How do we know its working? DEPLOYMENT How are we going to deliver? Partnership EFQM Self-Assessment State of Fife Report Partnership Performance Reports Organisational Performance Reports Projects, Services Process Design & Management Partnership and Organisational Plans and Strategies Performance Management APPROACH What do we need to consider? Source EFQM 1999