Chapter 1 Integrating UBD and DI An Essential Partnership
UBD = Understanding By Design DI = Differentiated Instruction What is the logic for joining the two models? What are the big ideas for the models, and how do they look in action?
UBD and DI meets the demands of of a rigorous standard based curriculum and the accountability of high stakes tests as well as the increasing diverse needs of students. This partnership between UBD and DI is not only reasonable but essential to help students reach their maximum potential.
UBD and DI “need” each other for the following reason. Effective classrooms must consistently attend to these four elements: Whom they teach (students) Where they teach (learning environment) What they teach content (content) How they teach (instruction)
UBD is a curriculum design model that delineates guiding application of sound principles. It is about “what we teach” and “how we teach”. DI is about processes and procedures to ensure effective learning for all students. DI focuses on “whom we teach” and “where we teach.”
Axiom 1 The goal of quality curriculum is to develop and deepen student understanding. Corollaries All students’ benefit from curriculum that develops and deepens their understanding. Students require varied support systems to develop a deeper understanding based on individual ability, experience, opportunity, language development, interests and individual growth rate.
Axiom 2 Evidence of student knowledge is revealed when students apply knowledge in authentic contexts. Corollaries Authentic applications will reveal varying degrees of proficiency and sophistication in students understanding and knowledge of skill. Effective teachers use the students’ present level of skill proficiency to provide opportunities for them to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding beyond their present point of proficiency using varied learning modalities.
Axiom 3 Planning with the end in mind helps you avoid unclear priorities and purposes of textbook coverage and activities. Corollaries All learners benefit from clear purposes and priorities of content. Struggling learners require focus on essential knowledge, understanding, and skill of a unit. Advanced learners need challenge.
Axiom 4 Regular reviews of curriculum and assessment provide quality control and inform needed adjustments. Corollaries Results will show variation among students in essential knowledge, understanding, and skills. Adjustments to curriculum and instruction should be targeted to individuals as well as to the whole class. Adjustments will require flexible use of teacher attention, materials, student groupings, etc.
Axiom 5 Teachers provide opportunities for students to explore, interpret, apply, shift perspectives, empathize, and self assess. Corollaries All students should be guided and supported in thinking in complex ways. Struggling learners do not have to master the basics before they can engage in thinking. For most students, mastery and understanding come through after meaningful interactions with ideas. Students will differ in the level of sophistication of their thinking and understanding at a given time Teachers should be prepared to provide opportunity and support to continually develop students’ understandings and capacities as thinkers.
Axiom 6 Teachers, students, and districts benefit by “working smarter” and using technology and other vehicles to collaboratively design, share, and critique units of study. Corollaries Students also benefit when teachers share understandings about students’ learning needs, classroom routines, and instructional approaches to ensure that each student develops knowledge, understanding, and skills as fully as possible. A routine part of collaboration in academically diverse classrooms should occur between teachers and specialists who have expert knowledge about student needs and instructional approaches most likely to respond effectively to those students Technology should be used to address varied learner needs and to assist the teacher in keeping track of student growth toward important curricular goals.
Axiom 7 UBD is a way of thinking, not a program. Educators adapt its tools and materials with the goal of promoting better student understanding. Corollaries Differentiated Instruction is a way of thinking, not a formula or recipe. The goal is to maximize knowledge, understanding, skill for all learners. Effective DI requires thinking about whom we teach, what we teach, where we teach, and how we teach. The information must also be relevant to student. This provides the student with maximum power as a learner.