Career Ready Mentor Briefing Be the mentor you wish you had
Agenda for today Introductions The Career Ready programme Mentoring The power of mentoring – personal stories Activity: Getting yourself ready Your student and their school Overcoming challenges of mentoring Support Q&A
Tell us About me Your name Where you work Why you want to mentor / school remit
Career Ready is a national charity that links schools with employers – preparing young people for the world of work. Two year programme during S5 & S6 serving students: aged 15/16-18 with potential don’t have access to professional networks and role models (social mobility) currently middle-achieving at risk of underperforming and under-attaining uncertain about what they want to achieve; may lack confidence will benefit from guidance and opportunities to compete on a level playing field for the best jobs/careers in the country A growing movement of Local Authorities, schools and employers working in partnership.
The programme Workplace Visits MasterclassesMentoring InternshipEvents
Measuring the impact – self assessment Figures from City of Edinburgh Counci l
Student impact cont’d School leaver destination results for 2013 and 2014 show that 97% of Career Ready students in Scotland went into a positive destination: 25% in employment 54% in higher education 21% in further education National average is currently 92.3%
How Career Ready mentoring works Student selection & matching Masterclass 1 Mentor briefing Launch event In school meeting 1:1 student meetings – 2 per term Mentor only sessions Linked to masterclasses Skills review
What is mentoring? Mentoring Supporting someone through a learning or developmental journey Accepting that every relationship is different It is about reflecting and encouraging so a student can make the most of their opportunities It is mentoring and coaching, so using your greater knowledge to develop a range of skills in a student It is a long term relationship and the benefits do not come overnight
Benefits of mentoring Students Access to a professional who can provide impartial, practical advice and an insight into the working world Develop professional work ready skills e.g. confidence, networking Improve career understanding and attitude e.g. goal setting, using networks Mentors Develop leadership and management skills Opportunity to share knowledge and skills Personal and corporate reward Contribute to positive change
The power of mentoring: personal stories
Activities: Getting yourself ready
Your student and their school
Questions or concerns? Student seeming unresponsive or not interested Problems making contact to arrange meetings Student cancelling meetings or not turning up You are not sure how you can help Not sure how much you should help Where would be a good place to meet? There is a safe guarding issue
Safeguarding If you suspect abuse, if a young person confides in you or if a complaint is made about any adult or yourself, it is your duty to report the concern. If you have any concerns about discussions that have taken place please contact Career Ready Safeguarding Officers on
Best practice suggestions Read the guidelines in the mentor handbook Modelling good behaviour – you are the adult Challenge inappropriate behaviour Put yourself in their shoes – understand their aspirations and barriers Being consistent in your approach Don’t give up at the first hurdle Setting objectives at the start Think of new ways to engage your student – invite to meetings, events, training sessions, introduce them to resources and colleagues Ask for the key academic dates in the year Ask for help
Support Mentor handbook Access to Regional Manager Regular communications Access to website: Career Ready Information specific to students Access to School Coordinator & Local Authority Coordinator Mentor only sessions School LinkedIn group specifically for mentors: Facebook group: Twitter Social Media Lead contact for Career Ready Other mentors in your organisation Your Employer
Next steps Anything else you need? Meet student at Launch Event Meet student at school Exchange details Set up post October meeting dates in your workplace Enjoy Thank you
Goodbye & good luck!