Learning Jigsaws for clustering appearance and shape John Winn, Anitha Kannan and Carsten Rother NIPS 2006
Learning jigsaws Aim: Cluster regions in images with similar appearance and shape. Examples of clusters (jigsaw pieces) Eye Noses Cheek Eyebrows
Road map Clustering image patches The Jigsaw model Results on toy and real images Learning jigsaw pieces Discussion and conclusions
Clustering image patches Patches Clusters [Leibe & Schiele, BMVC 2003]
Clustering image patches Cluster? Patch wrong shape
Clustering image patches Cluster? Patch wrong shape
Clustering image patches Cluster? Part is occluded
Clustering image patches Cluster? Need to adapt the patch shape depending on the image.
Road map Clustering image patches The Jigsaw model Results on toy and real images Learning jigsaw pieces Discussion and conclusions
Aims of jigsaw model Learn clusters (jigsaw pieces) so that: 1. Clustered patches have similar shape and appearance 2. Patches are as large as possible 3. Every image pixel belongs to exactly one patch (i.e. the images are segmented into patches)
The Jigsaw model Jigsaw J Image I 1... Image I 2 I N Offset map L 2 L N L 1 Region of constant offset
The Jigsaw model Jigsaw J Offset map prior (Potts model) Appearance model Jigsaw Mean μ(z) and inverse variance λ(z) for each jigsaw pixel z. Image I Offset map L offset at pixel i cost of patch boundary
Road map Clustering image patches The Jigsaw model Results on toy and real images Learning jigsaw pieces Discussion and conclusions
Toy example Learned by iteratively maximising joint probability w.r.t. jigsaw and offset maps (see paper for details) Imagewith segmentationJigsaw MeanVariance
Comparison: Mixture of Gaussians fixed patch shape Cluster centres
Comparison: Epitome [Jojic et al., ICCV 2003] fixed patch shape translation invariant Epitome
Comparison: Jigsaw learned patch shape translation invariant non-overlapping patches Jigsaw
Comparison: all methods Original Jigsaw Epitome Error = Error = MoG Error = 0.103
Faces example Source: Olivetti face database Face imageswith segmentations Jigsaw 128 128 mean
Road map Clustering image patches The Jigsaw model Results on toy and real images Learning jigsaw pieces Discussion and conclusions
Learning the jigsaw pieces Jigsaw J... Image I 1 I 2 I N Offset map L 2 L N L 1
Learning the jigsaw pieces Jigsaw J... Image I 1 I 2 I N Offset map L 2 L N L 1
Learning the jigsaw pieces Jigsaw J... Image I 1 I 2 I N Offset map L 2 L N L 1
Shape clustering on faces Jigsaw showing pieces Commonly used pieces
Road map Clustering image patches The Jigsaw model Results on toy and real images Learning jigsaw pieces Discussion and conclusions
Jigsaw applications Can be used as ‘plug-and-play’ replacement for fixed-shape patch model in existing systems. Applications include: Object recognition/detection Object segmentation Stereo matching Texture synthesis Super-resolution Motion segmentation Image/video compression
Future work Allow rotation/scaling/deformation of the patches. Incorporate shape clustering into the probabilistic model Incorporate additional invariances e.g. to illumination Apply to other domains: audio, biology
Conclusions Jigsaw model allows learning the shape and appearance of recurring regions in images. Jigsaw performs unsupervised discovery of object parts.
Thank you Jigsaw paper (compressed)
Comparison: Epitome [Jojic et al., ICCV 2003] fixed patch shape translation invariant overlapping patches Epitome
Patch averaging Error = 0.071Error = EpitomeMoG