The National Geoinformation Infrastructure of the Czech Republic - Programme of further development for years 2001 - 2005 Josef Hojdar, Czech Association.


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Presentation transcript:

The National Geoinformation Infrastructure of the Czech Republic - Programme of further development for years Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ , Czech Association for Geoinformation - CAGI Italska 34, Praha 2, Czech Republic GSDI 6 Conference - From Global to local, Budapest 2002

zWorked out by NEMOFORUM - a platform of co-operation of public administration and private sector (professional unions, universities etc.) Leading role of Czech Association for Geoinformation (CAGI) and Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre zAccepted by NEMOFORUM members in spring 2001 Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

zSupported by the Governmental Council for State Information Policy in autumn 2001 zContent ystarting points ybasic concept of NGII ymain topics of NGII z10 main areas of NGII yexistence of programme of further development yconnection to European and global GI initiatives Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yco-ordination and co-operation of partners (P-P-P) ytechnical conditions yorganizational, legislative, financial conditions, copyright etc. ybasic data sets (core data) ymeta-information systems (clearing house) ystandards (transfer standards, description of data sets, terminology …) yqualification of professionals yknowledge and skills of users Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

zFor every area ystate-of-art yaims yprojects and measures yresponsibility/gesture for every project/measure Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

zStarting points ya lot of NGII elements exists ylack of co-ordination and co-operation ylack of strategic plan / programme of further development ylong-term knowledge of European and global activities Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yNGII pointed out in the State Information Policy - road to Information Society document (reaction to e-Europe, e-Government and similar initiatives) ysuitable platform in NEMOFORUM zThe most important existing elements of NGII in the Czech Republic yspatial reference frame of geodetic control points ystate map series in analogue and digital form ythematic maps Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

ythe Fundamental Base of Geographic Data ybasic registers of public information systems ywide-area network of cadastral information system ynew study subjects in geomatics and geoinformatics involved in the study programmes of the universities yeducational programme for the enhancement of professional qualification of public administration employees in the field of geoinformation Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

ymeta-information systems about geoinformation sources MIDAS ystandardisation of geoinformation ya stable frame of regular professional events zMain new projects (under development or planned) yProject 4.1: To prepare a conception of use of geodata and geoinformation in public administration and education Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yProject 5.1: To set out a methodical instruction (set of rules) for access to public geodata and geoinformation and trade of them yProject 5.3: To identify the requirements for copyright law reflecting the needs of GI sphere, and their preparation for a new amendment of copyright law yProject 6.2: The Fundamental Base of Geographic Data ZABAGED Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yProject 6.3: Ortho-photo-maps of the territory of the Czech Republic yProject 6.4: Digital cadastral map yProject 6.5: The basic register of spatial identification and real estates yProject 7.1: Development and maintenance of the MIDAS meta-information system about sources of geodata as a subproject of the public data meta- information system (x INSPIRE, special paper) Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yProject 8.1: The definition of the sets of standards for the geodata transfer yProject 8.2: The preparation of further transfer formats on the background of the defined sets of transfer standards yProject 8.3: The release of the explanatory terminology vocabulary from the sphere of geomatics and geoinformatics Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yMeasure 9.1: To work out the recommendations for innovation of university study programmes in geomatics and geoinformatics with the consideration of the interdisciplinary features of these branches yProject 10.1: The education programme of the public administration employees for the work with geoinformation yProject 10.2: The project GLOBE on basic and secondary schools in the Czech Republic Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years

yProject 10.3: The instructive-educational programmes and other ways of promotion the importance of GI use zResponsibility ygesture for every project/measure (responsible subject + other co-operands) zFunding yfrom budget of the subjects yapplication to the Action Plan of Implementation of the State Information Policy (central money) Josef Hojdar, Czech Association for Geoinformation, CZ The Czech National Geoinformation Infrastructure - Programme of further development for years