AM Assembly Small Parables, Big Message Matt. 13: 31-33, PM Assembly Standing In The Gap Ezek. 22: 22-31
Small Parables, Big Messages Matthew 13:31-33; 44-46
Relating truths about the Kingdom of God Why is this parable given? (context) Smallest of seeds (Luke 17:6, 20) The Church will grow from humble beginnings (Acts1; 2:31; 4:4; 5:14) The Mustard Seed – Matt. 13:31-32
An humble start with a great finish Leaven represents the word of God. It influences us from inside out. The Leaven – Matt. 13:33
Why a treasure in a field? He FOUND the treasure – stumbled upon it He sacrificed all for the treasure (Matt. 61:24-26) We give it all up with joy! (Phil. 3:7-8) The Hidden Treasure – Matt. 13:44
The merchant is SEEKING the pearl Atheneans - Acts 17:21, 34 Bereans – Acts 17:11 The value – he sold all to buy it Pearl of Great Price – Matt. 13:45-46
The judgment of God “No condemnation” “IN CHRIST” (Rom. 8:1) Baptized INTO Christ (Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3) Whether stumbled upon truth or seeking it – what is it worth to you? Does God’s leaven work in your heart? The Dragnet – Matt. 13:47-50