REVIEW FOR THE QUIZ Please write the answers down as we go through the questions
Please get everything off your desk Today 1.Finish presentations 2.Play review game 3.Work on puzzle review game if time 4.Byz Quiz tomorrow (50pts) 1.On-level: 14 matching; 10 multiple choice; 1 essay 2.Honors: 20 fill in the black; 3 multiple choice; choice of 2 essays
Who moved the capital of Rome to Byzantium?
What did Constantine rename the city of Byzantium?
New Rome
What was New Rome renamed?
What is Constantinople called today?
In what country is Istanbul located?
Turkey (not the gobbling kind)
Constantine and Licinius enacted the ________________ which outlawed the persecution of Christians
Edict of Milan
When did the Edict of Milan occur?
313 CE
What religion was Constantine?
Constantinople was a key location for _____________
Constantinople was located on the ____________ ____ ____________ __
Bosporus Strait
Who was Justinian’s wife?
What was the name of the collection and explanation of Roman laws used for the Byzantine Empire?
Justinian’s Code
What is the church that Justinian and Theodora built that is still standing today?
Hagia Sophia
What was the language of the people who practiced Christianity in Rome?
What is another word for a split?
What was the language of the Christians in the East?
Who was the patriarch in the East who outlawed the use of icons?
Michael Cerularius
Who excommunicated Michael Cerularius?
Pope Leo IX
What year was the Great Schism?
What form of Christianity was established in the East?
Eastern Orthodox
What form of Christianity was formed in the West?
Roman Catholic
Under this emperor, the Byzantine empire experienced a final period of greatness
Basil II
What does Excommunicate mean? (in 2 words)
Without COMMUNion
So what?
As a Christian, you would not be able to go to heaven
What happened in 476?
Rome fell
What happened in 313?
Edict of Milan
What happened in 1453?
Constantinople fell
What religion was the group of people who conquered Constantinople?