Biker, hippies, punks, skinhead are the most know subculture in our country.
Biker are young people who usually wear leather jackets and army boots. All person who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorised vechicles. They are free in actions.
Often some people determine the hippie as drug addicts. This subculture does not support standards of company but support freedom and fee way of life. I consider their condust normal.
Punks are people who have brightly coloured hair and wear metal chains. The music at them is aggressive and they all reject.
Skinhead is a subculture which is not quite interested in policy. Most members carry narrow thousers and heave boots. Usually consider them aggressive and inclined to violence.
Positive lines of them are freedom, change of world to the best, there is not violence, good music, correct image, values and persuasions, normal condust.
If we unite all positive lines of all these subcultures we`ll turn out ideal subculture which I`d like to create. Young people this subculture would dance in the street, wear shirts and brightly coloured hair.