| 1 Jennifer Lewis-Gallagher Eric Livingston Elsevier: Leveraging Data to Lead 5 November 2015
| 2 A free reference manager and academic social network that can help researchers organize research, collaborate with others online, discover the latest research, and see meaningful trends in global research activity. The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature; the broadest source of global scientific research. Includes content from 5,000 publishers with tools to easily track, analyze and visualize research. Comparative research information management system to enable evidence-based decisions, promote collaboration, simplify administration and optimize impact. Customized analysis, reports and services to meet your research management needs. Ready-to-use tools to analyze the world of research, and to establish, execute and evaluate optimized strategies for the research organization. Rich data assets Supports research activity External view Informs research strategy Internal view Custom analysis Researcher productivity
| 3 How data is collected, cleaned, and distributed to different Elsevier products Scopus data Raw article metadata from publishers Article and patent linking (citations/references) and cleaning of affiliation metadata Scopus.com External Elsevier-controlled SciVal Scopus Custom Data Analytical Services
| 4 Scopus Content Scopus has a broad coverage of global, curated, relevant research, with smart, simple tools to help track, analyze and visualize research. 58.3M records from 22,245 serial titles and over 94,900 books 21.6M pre 1996 records | 36.7M post 1995 records Content from > 5,000 publishers “Articles in Press” from >5,000 titles Titles from 105 different countries in all geographical regions 40 “local” languages covered More than 3,780 Gold Open Access journals indexed Source: Scopus (August 2015)
| 5 Scopus Custom Data (SCD) versus Scopus.com SCD provides full article metadata in XML format SCD is regularly extracted and prepared for distribution from underlying database 4 times a year (first of Feb, May, Aug, Oct) Useful for comprehensive reporting Scopus.com is an online interface for searching through Scopus data Primary audience: researchers who want to search, discover, and analyze scientific literature But, also contains several useful analytical tools/capabilities
| 6 Analytical Services team provides reports and analyses based on Scopus custom data and other internal/external data sources Thought leadership initiatives and reports (select ex) Council of State Governments [US] The World Bank Urban Innovation Network and City of Amsterdam European Commission, FENS, HBP, Kavli Foundation, RIKEN BSI UK Royal Society Science Europe Snowball Metrics World of Research 2015 Analytical Services w/Scopus Custom Data National research assessment and benchmarking reports UK REF, UK BIS reports ERA (Australia) FCT (Portugal) VQR (Italy)
| 7 SciVal Capabilities SciVal offers quick, easy access to the research performance of 220 nations and 6,000+ research institutions worldwide, and groups of institutions Visualize research performance Benchmark progress Develop collaborative partnerships Ready-made-at a glance snapshots of any selected entity Flexibility to create and compare any research groups Identify and analyze existing collaborations Analyze research trends Analyze research trends to discover the top performers and rising stars
| 8 Going beyond just Scopus data Scopus.com SciVal Analytical Services Scopus data Mendeley data on readership Newsflo data on mass media mentions ScienceDirect Usage data on article downloads Patent citations to academic articles Currently available Planned for 2016 Alternative and usage metrics Traditional bibliometric data
| 9 Mini Case 1: Interdisciplinary Research
| 10 Mini Case 1: Interdisciplinary Research Source: HEFCE (2015). Review of the UK’s interdisciplinary research.
| 11 Mini Case 1: Interdisciplinary Research Source: HEFCE (2015). Review of the UK’s interdisciplinary research.
| 12 Three top topics covered by the interdisciplinary research in sustainability science - Health and pollution - Water and its social and economic implications - Energy, fuels and their economic and environmental impact Energy, fuels and their economic and environmental impact Water and its social and economic implications Mini Case 1: Interdisciplinary Research Source: Elsevier and SciDev.Net (2015). Sustainability Science in a Global Landscape. intelligence/resource-library/sustainability intelligence/resource-library/sustainability-2015 Health and pollution
| 13 Mini Case 2: Gender and Science Use name frequency data from a large online social networking service in which users self-disclose their name and country of origin Assign gender (85% confidence interval) to Scopus author profiles with first names Strong results for Germany and other Western countries (>80% success rate in assigning gender to researchers) Method is less robust for researchers from Asian countries, especially China. - Most recent research in bibliometrics uses manual disambiguation/assignment of gender for researchers from these countries. - See Larivière, V., Ni, C., Gingras, Y., Cronin, B., & Sugimoto, C. R. (2013). Bibliometrics: Global gender disparities in science. Nature, 504(7479), 211–213. doi: /504211a for more details
| 14 Mini Case 2: Gender and Science Affiliation Profile Algorithm: 99% precision, 95% recall Manual reassignment on feedback for 100% precision Algorithm: 99% precision, 93% recall Manual reassignment on feedback from official authority of affiliation for 100% precision Author Profile
| 15 Mini Case 2: Gender and Science Soon to be released report (mid-November 2015) that analyzes: Relative research productivity of female versus male researchers in Germany Correlations between gender-diverse teams and research impact and interdisciplinarity of research Similarities or differences in research foci of female versus male researchers in different subject areas Soon to be released report (mid-November 2015) that analyzes: Relative research productivity of female versus male researchers in Germany Correlations between gender-diverse teams and research impact and interdisciplinarity of research Similarities or differences in research foci of female versus male researchers in different subject areas
| Mini Case 3: Economic Development Other Nations Strengths in IT, chemistry and engineering. Comprehensive strengths, esp. in medicine and social sciences. Biotechnology Biology Biotechnology Biology Chemistry Math and Physics Environmental Sciences
| 17 Mini Case 3: Economic Development
| 18 Mini Case 3: Economic Development 18 Source: SciVal Custom Analytics (October 2012) Returnee and transitory researchers have higher relative productivity than those that stay only in Ohio
| 19 Mini Case 3: Economic Development 19 Source: SciVal Custom Analytics (October 2012) The darker the state, the more researchers that move from that state to Ohio
| 20 Mini Case 3: Economic Development
| 21 NSF, THE and so many more: Several thousand leading research organizations rely on Elsevier Research data MD Anderson Keio University Kiel University Gazi University Queen’s University Belfast Ural Federal University CAPES Brazil Nanyang Technologica l University UK BIS ERA 2014 UK REF Nigerian Government ISTIC Peking University NRF-Korea FCT Portugal Danish BFI Germany IFQ Italy ANVUR IISER STINT Michigan Corporate Relations Network ReachNC Russian Foundation of Basic Research TCI - Thailand Rankings: NSF European Commission & ERC