Life in the Ocean Plankton: floaters Nekton: swimmers Benthos: bottom dwellers
Phytoplankton Carry on photosynthesis Diatoms, coccolithophores, dinoflagellates Zooplankton Consumers Radiolarians, forams, others Plants vs. animals
Time as a planktonic organism Meroplankton Part of life as a plankton; rest as nekton or benthos Holoplankton All of life as plankton
Nekton Many varieties Consider commercial fisheries
Commercial fisheries Changes in last 50 years Overfishing Causes: human population, changes in fishing practices, environmental degradation, poor management, by-catch Solutions: close fishing areas, marine sanctuaries, tighter regulations, consumer choices ( w_regional.aspx) w_regional.aspx
Aquaculture A solution to overfishing? Pros and cons
Benthos Rocky shores Tide pools Sand and mud Deep sea Coral reefs Just a few examples
Where benthic organisms live Epifuana Live on top of sediments Infauna Live within sediments
Infauna (a, b, c, e)
Land 86% Sea 14% Benthic 98% Pelagic 2% Why these patterns? DISTRIBUTION OF LIFE